Monday, February 07, 2011


Mystical Consciousness

This fact is not taught to children. This fact can only be discovered personally. A child who has been taught a certain 'religion' may or may not eventually conclude that what sHe was taught was nonsense. Most children never progress to that realization. Some do. Those folks eventually become 'atheists' or 'agnostics.' The 'Atheists' live the life of 'idee-fixe.' Like 'religionists' they never learn. The Agnostics, on the other hand, do hallucinogenic drugs like LSD. They learn new stuff. It is good to be Agnostic, folks: you get to do Acid, while Atheists and Religionists suck, drinking only beer, wine, rum, whiskey...
You know what I mean: Drugs are a path to Mystical Consciousness. Mystical Consciousness is an emotional-philosophical attitude toward The Universe: LSD astonished you. You are therefore always ready to be surprised. In fact, you yearn... unafraid... for the next moment... never afraid... always ready to be surprised.
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