Monday, February 07, 2011


Blind Man Walking

Time to wrap this up. I have left much 'unsaid' (unwritten) because there is only so much time and space available. It's been, as usual, a long week. I'll close by describing a brief notation in my daily log:
'Heavy Rad all night. Also 'blind man theater.'' The 'blind man' refers to recent a 'street theater' episode where a person (usually a man) walks below our balcony with a long 'cane' stretched out in front of him as if to detect possible unseen obstructions. It is 'theater' which has become fairly common recently. My '20 minute timer' allows Gerash to set up such scenerios as I walk around the apartment, occasionally looking out the patio door as I walk. Regarding the 'ethnicity' of the player in question I will leave that for your speculation... 'Blindness' refers, of course, to the inevitable result of corneal heating.
Good night and good luck.
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