Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Good Question

Kootch has hit the sack. We are alone. Sip.
I am paranoid. I sift new events constantly looking for clues and connections. At the same time I realize that I am a 'celebrity' in some sense. That has both good and bad connotations. I would rather not be a 'celebrity.' But if I am (and I seem to be) I have the responsibility to 'set the record straight' in regard to the Gerash Defamation Machine. You know what I mean, I think: Gerash is one of those persons described in the book, People of the Lie. (Being gassed here, several coughs, R burning.) My paranoid brain zeros in on events which seem to make no sense. It then attempts to fit those 'incongruous events' into the general theory of my life, given the 'axioms' of my life, one being that Gerash is working constantly to discredit me. I've been doing that for years. The following example may seem bizarre, but was my experience:
I observed the African-American mailman turn toward me as I watched him depositing the mail into the various boxes. He was tall and skinny and good-looking. He's been doing that job for at least two or three months. Suddenly he turns toward me and spits. He does (thump) not look at me. He then continues depositing the mail into all the little boxes. My understanding of the 'spitting gesture' is that it is an expression of contempt. Possibly he was expressing his contempt for me as I lurked in the nearest apartment 'window' while he delivered the mail. Possibly. No way to know. Possibly several 'local residents' (actors) had told him that 'I hated him because he was a nigger (thonk) and was always late. He believed them, of course. Only natural.
My experience with 'postal people' suggests that some of them can be bribed into (tap) 'diverting' legitimate mail. For example, I have long suspected that postal people have occasionally diverted Kaiser Permanente questionaires (tap) concerning 'new doctor performances.' The questionaires were then delivered to Gerash. Gerash (tap) would then fill out those questionaires to the effect that I thought the doctor in question had done a bad job. Not true, of course, but Gerash thereby gained the emotional support of the said doctor who may have felt personally defamed by my 'evaluation.' Other possible attempts to communicate with me via mail may also have been 'diverted' by 'Gerash postal operatives.' I strongly suspect so.
That mailman is gone now. Various others have been substituted. The mail is delivered an hour or two earlier now, pretty much 'on time' historically.
Question: If my conjecture is correct, what was the point? Why go to all that trouble to convince a postal worker that I hated him? (thump above.)
Good question. I suspect that Gerash 'filters' (thump) my mail for 'undesirable' communications and has been doing so since the early '80s.
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