Monday, February 07, 2011


Tonight's Rink Dump.

Beer gone. Sipping on Caffine Free Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist. Now what?! Sip. Hmm. How 'bout a rink dump!
Powers of Ten is a fascinating trip from 'here' to 'there.' We go first from our current world to the infinitely large universe. Then we go from our current world to the infinitely small universe. Hold on! It will be a wild and glorious ride!
(Piers Morgan and Fareed Zacharia on CNN! Damn. I'm missing it...)

Seven Must-Read Books on the Art and Science of Happiness. My understanding of 'happiness' is that it is a brain-state which cannot be sought directly, but is instead a 'by-product of right thinking.' Maybe so... Sip.

Mindfulness Meditation works by changing Brain Structure. Well, maybe - In fact, probably - given that 'experience' also changes brain structure. Drugs change brain structure too. The most 'effective' such drug is, of course, LSD. Been there. Done that. I know.

Kona Galaxy Garden. Beautiful connection between Nature, large and small...

Why is the Sky Blue? (Did I do this already?) Ahhh! As Kootch and I were watching NSN (mentioned previously) today we encountered the subject of 'synesthesia' where visual and auditory (in this case, visual - intellectual) subjects 'bled into' each other. Kootch remarked that she too experienced some of the Western Alphabet as 'colored:' 'A' was always red; 'M' was yellow; 'R' was always purple. She had previously revealed that she was somewhat 'prosopagnosic' in that she had difficulty connecting 'faces' with 'names.' But this was news to me. These three letters appeared to be the only ones which came to mind. She also mentioned that none of the Japanese characters (Kanji) had that effect on her. I remarked that 'maybe there were too many characters and not enough colors.' She chuckled.
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