Friday, November 28, 2008
We Are Them!
Time to wrap this up. My point in the previous posts is that 'self-discovery' is the most important stage of human development. Most people go through their lives as automatons, mechanical beings who never attain to 'consciousness.' They live and die irrevelantly. They have absolutely no effect whatsoever on the universe into which they were born. They lived their lives mechanically. Then they died.
'Self discovery,' on the other hand, is an evolutionary advance: mechanical beings acquire some degree of introspection. 'Soul' begins to manifest itself in various communities. Self-awareness blossoms little by little across a wide spectrum of society, aided significantly by 'entheogenic drugs.' One by one, various beings become 'conscious.' It is a slow process.
We are there now. We are them!
Time to wrap this up. My point in the previous posts is that 'self-discovery' is the most important stage of human development. Most people go through their lives as automatons, mechanical beings who never attain to 'consciousness.' They live and die irrevelantly. They have absolutely no effect whatsoever on the universe into which they were born. They lived their lives mechanically. Then they died.
'Self discovery,' on the other hand, is an evolutionary advance: mechanical beings acquire some degree of introspection. 'Soul' begins to manifest itself in various communities. Self-awareness blossoms little by little across a wide spectrum of society, aided significantly by 'entheogenic drugs.' One by one, various beings become 'conscious.' It is a slow process.
We are there now. We are them!
Self Discovery

'Disassembly' can be very entertaining under the right circumstances. Notice that this glorious yum-yum is enjoying the process, and we enjoy it with her. She will eventually remove all of her clothes. She will become naked. Glorious! Us observers will rejoice! Seeing us rejoice, she will likewise rejoice. This is the way it goes in the 'real world.'
But suppose she continues the process after she has become naked: she removes her hair; then her skin; then her flesh; then her very bones. Her body disappears. Yuck. Barf. She becomes invisible.
But then Her bones magically reappear! This miracle is soon followed by the reappearance of tendons and muscles and fat. Skin and hair follow in quick succession. She becomes naked again. Beautifully naked. And everything works! She is astonished by the process. She then begins to dress herself, panties first. She eventually 'presents' as a sophisticated modern woman, ready for whatever. But the important thing is that now she knows! She has witnessed her disassembly and her reassembly. Now she knows what she is!
Set and Setting
I should say at this point that although 'the state of chaos' is unpleasant it is necessary. Do not try to avoid this state. It is the price you must pay. Acid is much safer than (for example) Aspirin, so don't fear an acid overdose. Take at least one hit, better two. (Not three, because that would be a waste of good Acid. The lethal dose in humans is unknown.)
And do your research first, especially concerning 'set' and 'setting.' Take Acid about four times a year or until you 'get it.' Never take Acid on two consecutive days. The second day will be a waste of Acid, as 'tolerance' builds up quickly, and your 'trip' will be a bummer. My worst 'trip' was done on a half hit of old Acid. I was alone. It was a depressing experience. Do Acid with a trusted 'babysitter,' or at least a trusted friend who is also tripping. Are you the adventurous type? Done lots of Acid? Know your way around? Try doing Acid (with a tripping friend) in a public place like on the subways of New York City. Or Tokyo. Rotsa ruck! (Start in the morning on an empty stomach!)
Full disclosure: I am now beginning my 7th beer. Buzzing nicely. Time for the evening news...
Evening News finished I am now beginning my8th beer. Still buzzing nicely. Kootch has hit the sack. We are alone.
I should say at this point that although 'the state of chaos' is unpleasant it is necessary. Do not try to avoid this state. It is the price you must pay. Acid is much safer than (for example) Aspirin, so don't fear an acid overdose. Take at least one hit, better two. (Not three, because that would be a waste of good Acid. The lethal dose in humans is unknown.)
And do your research first, especially concerning 'set' and 'setting.' Take Acid about four times a year or until you 'get it.' Never take Acid on two consecutive days. The second day will be a waste of Acid, as 'tolerance' builds up quickly, and your 'trip' will be a bummer. My worst 'trip' was done on a half hit of old Acid. I was alone. It was a depressing experience. Do Acid with a trusted 'babysitter,' or at least a trusted friend who is also tripping. Are you the adventurous type? Done lots of Acid? Know your way around? Try doing Acid (with a tripping friend) in a public place like on the subways of New York City. Or Tokyo. Rotsa ruck! (Start in the morning on an empty stomach!)
Full disclosure: I am now beginning my 7th beer. Buzzing nicely. Time for the evening news...
Evening News finished I am now beginning my8th beer. Still buzzing nicely. Kootch has hit the sack. We are alone.
Becoming god
No booze for a week and I'm in the mood again. Just finished beer #1 as I reread last week, including the 'psychedelic experience' link (redirected from 'Acid Trip') in (1) below. I never turn down an opportunity to talk about Acid (LSD) so I'll continue with my little dissertation in the form of a critique of the above link from the 'neophyte' point of view. I say 'neophyte' because I have done Acid less than 30 times, and marijuana less that 1,000 times, and all that was long, long ago. So, in the above link:
Level 4: The only thing I can agree with here is 'time distortion,' which is very common, especially with Ganja (marijuana).
Level 5: This is all confabulation. The brain is so impaired at this level that memory is nonexistent. You cannot remember the state of chaos. You can only remember the approach to chaos, and the departure from chaos. You dread the approach, and you celebrate the departure.
Level 6: There is no such level in the above link, but such a level would include all of the 'religious experiences' and 'revelations' and 'mystical experiences' associated with the processes of 're-assembly.' In the simplest terms, you have been disassembled by the Acid. This process was lots of fun, very sensual. Beautiful. You didn't realize that it was happening until it happened and you were in 'chaos.' You were no longer human. Beethoven made absolutely no sense at all. Neither did anything else. You greeted level 6 with utter joy! As your brain recovered normal functions you were the witness. You were able to see how unbelievably complex you are as all the 'leggo's which make up you were slowly put back into place. You saw how beautiful and powerful you are! This is the most astonishing revelation of your life! You are a god! (And so, of course, is everyone else.)
Level 7: Mostly boring, this level completes the reassembly process. Level 7 Acid resembles a 'coffee high' where you feel like you have drunk 20 cups in 20 minutes. You can't sleep. This was the time when we would 'strangen things up' with marijuana, which would take the 'edge' off and reintroduce some of the previous weirdness which was so much fun.
Eventually, you sleep.
No booze for a week and I'm in the mood again. Just finished beer #1 as I reread last week, including the 'psychedelic experience' link (redirected from 'Acid Trip') in (1) below. I never turn down an opportunity to talk about Acid (LSD) so I'll continue with my little dissertation in the form of a critique of the above link from the 'neophyte' point of view. I say 'neophyte' because I have done Acid less than 30 times, and marijuana less that 1,000 times, and all that was long, long ago. So, in the above link:
Level 4: The only thing I can agree with here is 'time distortion,' which is very common, especially with Ganja (marijuana).
Level 5: This is all confabulation. The brain is so impaired at this level that memory is nonexistent. You cannot remember the state of chaos. You can only remember the approach to chaos, and the departure from chaos. You dread the approach, and you celebrate the departure.
Level 6: There is no such level in the above link, but such a level would include all of the 'religious experiences' and 'revelations' and 'mystical experiences' associated with the processes of 're-assembly.' In the simplest terms, you have been disassembled by the Acid. This process was lots of fun, very sensual. Beautiful. You didn't realize that it was happening until it happened and you were in 'chaos.' You were no longer human. Beethoven made absolutely no sense at all. Neither did anything else. You greeted level 6 with utter joy! As your brain recovered normal functions you were the witness. You were able to see how unbelievably complex you are as all the 'leggo's which make up you were slowly put back into place. You saw how beautiful and powerful you are! This is the most astonishing revelation of your life! You are a god! (And so, of course, is everyone else.)
Level 7: Mostly boring, this level completes the reassembly process. Level 7 Acid resembles a 'coffee high' where you feel like you have drunk 20 cups in 20 minutes. You can't sleep. This was the time when we would 'strangen things up' with marijuana, which would take the 'edge' off and reintroduce some of the previous weirdness which was so much fun.
Eventually, you sleep.
Thursday, November 20, 2008

End of blog for tonight. After abandoning booze for food I have lost interest. See you again next week.
What a Trip!
Whew. After seeing how 'altitude sickness' affected Ann's ability to speak in her usual brisk and coherent manner I was a bit worried, and today's TODAY SHOW brought the welcome news that the team had decided against becoming high altitude heros. Excellent decision! By the way, an Acid Trip would have been much safer and at least as astonishing. At least. Acid does not cause brain swelling and bulging eyes, for example. Or brain damage.
And also by the way, I just read the 'Acid Trip' entry above and find that my experiences with those substances was much different. That article needs a redo, but I'm busy at the moment, just beginning to work on my 4th beer. And naturally at this stage of inebriation I can't resist doing a parallel description (parody?) of the article above:
Level 1 (30 minutes to one hour)
Nothing for the first 15 or 20 minutes. Then a kind of restlessness. Something isn't right. A bit of anxiety (expecially the first time). A need to take deep breaths now and then.
Level 2 (two to three hours)
The buzz begins. At first it is very much like a booze buzz, but then it continues to increase in intensity. You start loving it. This is a very sensual time. The buzz exceeds every previous booze buzz. You are astonished, but the buzz continues to increase! You notice strange visual effects: angles that had previously seemed normal become distorted. The visual world becomes very colorful. Quite beautiful. Closed eyes reveal an amazing kalidescope of color, not the usual blackness. Synthesia appears: sound bleeds over into visual, and music becomes a visual as well as an auditory experience. (The reverse does not happen.) It's the most beautiful thing you have ever seen or ever will see.
Level 3 (varies, usually less than one hour)
This level defines the midpoint of the trip and varies depending on how much Acid you have done. The 'perfect dose' of Acid will bring you to the 'chaos point' then allow you to recover into levels 4 and 5. The 'perfect dose' is rarely achieved, however, because of various factors such as, for example, how long since your last meal, etc. (Blogger went belly-up at that point and I abandoned the blog and the booze for supper. Yum.) The 'chaos' state is difficult to define or describe because normal cortex functioning has disappeared. You will recognize as it approaches and you won't like it.
Level 4 (four or five hours)
This level begins out of chaos and you will rejoice at the first taste of it. You can do little more than observe, at that point, but what a scene! Visual effects become less intense as your normal thinking functions return bit by bit. It is as if you were totally disassembled but are now being reassembled as you watch. It is an astonishing revelation which changes your understanding forever.
level 5
By far, this level takes the most time to play out, and it is difficult to point to the end of it as it tapers off. If you can fall asleep, you are out of it. Total: about 12 hours.
Whew. After seeing how 'altitude sickness' affected Ann's ability to speak in her usual brisk and coherent manner I was a bit worried, and today's TODAY SHOW brought the welcome news that the team had decided against becoming high altitude heros. Excellent decision! By the way, an Acid Trip would have been much safer and at least as astonishing. At least. Acid does not cause brain swelling and bulging eyes, for example. Or brain damage.
And also by the way, I just read the 'Acid Trip' entry above and find that my experiences with those substances was much different. That article needs a redo, but I'm busy at the moment, just beginning to work on my 4th beer. And naturally at this stage of inebriation I can't resist doing a parallel description (parody?) of the article above:
Level 1 (30 minutes to one hour)
Nothing for the first 15 or 20 minutes. Then a kind of restlessness. Something isn't right. A bit of anxiety (expecially the first time). A need to take deep breaths now and then.
Level 2 (two to three hours)
The buzz begins. At first it is very much like a booze buzz, but then it continues to increase in intensity. You start loving it. This is a very sensual time. The buzz exceeds every previous booze buzz. You are astonished, but the buzz continues to increase! You notice strange visual effects: angles that had previously seemed normal become distorted. The visual world becomes very colorful. Quite beautiful. Closed eyes reveal an amazing kalidescope of color, not the usual blackness. Synthesia appears: sound bleeds over into visual, and music becomes a visual as well as an auditory experience. (The reverse does not happen.) It's the most beautiful thing you have ever seen or ever will see.
Level 3 (varies, usually less than one hour)
This level defines the midpoint of the trip and varies depending on how much Acid you have done. The 'perfect dose' of Acid will bring you to the 'chaos point' then allow you to recover into levels 4 and 5. The 'perfect dose' is rarely achieved, however, because of various factors such as, for example, how long since your last meal, etc. (Blogger went belly-up at that point and I abandoned the blog and the booze for supper. Yum.) The 'chaos' state is difficult to define or describe because normal cortex functioning has disappeared. You will recognize as it approaches and you won't like it.
Level 4 (four or five hours)
This level begins out of chaos and you will rejoice at the first taste of it. You can do little more than observe, at that point, but what a scene! Visual effects become less intense as your normal thinking functions return bit by bit. It is as if you were totally disassembled but are now being reassembled as you watch. It is an astonishing revelation which changes your understanding forever.
level 5
By far, this level takes the most time to play out, and it is difficult to point to the end of it as it tapers off. If you can fall asleep, you are out of it. Total: about 12 hours.
Friday, November 14, 2008

2320L and I am 'eating supper,' watching TV. HC is being suggested as SS! Interesting !
2355L and I am ready to sign out for the night. BR is another possibility! I love them both. I am impressed so far by Obama's deliberate construction of his 'presidential framework.'
Waaay too drunk at this time to offer advice. It's a 50/50 situation.
Please remind me next week to comment on Jim Jones, Christian Idiot.
There is one other relevant bubble. Here it is.
You Go Girl!
I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Although the subject of 'torture' does not interest me at all, I have expended tonight in that regard. I am not a fan of torture.
Jonestown has surfaced after 30 years! MSNBC had a piece on the subject a few days ago. I recorded it on DVD. But as I replayed it I was irritated by the commercials. I 'sixed it.' TiVo is doing duty tonight in that regard: CNN yum yum!
Briefly, I was astonished by Jonestown back in the '70s. I saw that disaster as proof that 'religion' was essentially evil. I have not since changed my mind.
Sugar has survived but Charlie has been blindsided. Barf. I liked Charlie in spite of the fact that he was a homosexual and a lawyer. Charlie is a good friend to other people.
Ann Curry is climbing Kilimanjaro. What a woman! I love Ann Curry (don't tell Kootch - or Ann)! If modern media ever succeeds in doing an expose of the Acid Experience, I predict that the 'host' in that case will be Ann Curry, fearless adventurer. And what an adventure!
You go, girl!
I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Although the subject of 'torture' does not interest me at all, I have expended tonight in that regard. I am not a fan of torture.
Jonestown has surfaced after 30 years! MSNBC had a piece on the subject a few days ago. I recorded it on DVD. But as I replayed it I was irritated by the commercials. I 'sixed it.' TiVo is doing duty tonight in that regard: CNN yum yum!
Briefly, I was astonished by Jonestown back in the '70s. I saw that disaster as proof that 'religion' was essentially evil. I have not since changed my mind.
Sugar has survived but Charlie has been blindsided. Barf. I liked Charlie in spite of the fact that he was a homosexual and a lawyer. Charlie is a good friend to other people.
Ann Curry is climbing Kilimanjaro. What a woman! I love Ann Curry (don't tell Kootch - or Ann)! If modern media ever succeeds in doing an expose of the Acid Experience, I predict that the 'host' in that case will be Ann Curry, fearless adventurer. And what an adventure!
You go, girl!
Movement as Remedy
Which brings us to the point of the previous preparation: when I move any of my affected parts (feet, for example) the stimulus disappears instantly. Thus: MTRF instantly disappears when I move the affected foot. If I leave that foot in the new position the symptoms will usually reappear after 20-30 seconds. Moving that foot again will grant me another 20-30 seconds of normalcy. Instantly. (Barf. I just sought out another beer at 2135. No joy. I've drunk all 12 of the muthafucks! I am now relegated to Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist. Things will now go downhill rapidly. Hang on...)
I have tested this hypothesis for many months. I am absolutely certain that the 'turntable observation' explains the behavior of my body in the current situation.
Which brings us to the point of the previous preparation: when I move any of my affected parts (feet, for example) the stimulus disappears instantly. Thus: MTRF instantly disappears when I move the affected foot. If I leave that foot in the new position the symptoms will usually reappear after 20-30 seconds. Moving that foot again will grant me another 20-30 seconds of normalcy. Instantly. (Barf. I just sought out another beer at 2135. No joy. I've drunk all 12 of the muthafucks! I am now relegated to Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist. Things will now go downhill rapidly. Hang on...)
I have tested this hypothesis for many months. I am absolutely certain that the 'turntable observation' explains the behavior of my body in the current situation.
Microwave Theory
This brings us to the microwave oven. Microwave ovens are designed to propagate EME (ElectroMagnetic Energy) in the most efficient manner. But there is a problem: different 'loads' result in different results. Specifically, as the individual load varies from the designed load, standing waves appear and affect heating. Parts of the 'load' get much more heating energy than other parts: a turkey, for example, absorbs much more energy than a weenie, the rest being reflected back down the waveguide, then re-reflected, etc. The result is 'standing waves' which only heat air. Since a microwave oven is supposed to heat a wide variety of organic mass, a method was needed to avoid hot spots in the various organic mass: a turkey needed to receive its fair share of EMR, and a weenie also needed to receive its fair share (to avoid uneven heating).
But the equations were completely narrow and rigid: no way could any specific oven be designed which could cook both a turkey and a weenie in a uniform manner.
Technology solved the problem with the turntable: the organic mass was rotated inside the oven, resulting in reasonably even heating. Hooray for technology: Clearly, technology solved a scientific problem by rotating the organic mass around and through the inevitable standing wave hot spots, resulting in an average heating.
This brings us to the microwave oven. Microwave ovens are designed to propagate EME (ElectroMagnetic Energy) in the most efficient manner. But there is a problem: different 'loads' result in different results. Specifically, as the individual load varies from the designed load, standing waves appear and affect heating. Parts of the 'load' get much more heating energy than other parts: a turkey, for example, absorbs much more energy than a weenie, the rest being reflected back down the waveguide, then re-reflected, etc. The result is 'standing waves' which only heat air. Since a microwave oven is supposed to heat a wide variety of organic mass, a method was needed to avoid hot spots in the various organic mass: a turkey needed to receive its fair share of EMR, and a weenie also needed to receive its fair share (to avoid uneven heating).
But the equations were completely narrow and rigid: no way could any specific oven be designed which could cook both a turkey and a weenie in a uniform manner.
Technology solved the problem with the turntable: the organic mass was rotated inside the oven, resulting in reasonably even heating. Hooray for technology: Clearly, technology solved a scientific problem by rotating the organic mass around and through the inevitable standing wave hot spots, resulting in an average heating.
The Turntable Observation
While I'm on the subject of the sensory effects of HDEMR I should mention that my conclusions were derived by way of many hours of 'observation.' Laying in bed at night, experiencing the symptoms of HDEMR, I had much time to observe the problem. I also had much time to perform various experiments designed to confirm or eliminate various hypotheses and/or conjectures regarding the cause of the problem. These experiments, conducted over many months, have led me to believe that my theory of 'harrassment by HDMR' is correct. Most of them are a bit too subjective to bother with at this time, but a very clear indication has never failed to support the core HDEMR hypothesis: the turntable observation:
You regular readers might recall that I at first ascribed the sensory radiation effects to 'skin gas,' and that I later revised that conjecture to 'radiation,' specifically 'electromagnetic radiation.' Gas, at that time, was the only known (to me) method of harrassment, and so I assumed at first that the problem was a gas. I later revised the conjecture to EMR (electromagnetic radiation) of the microwave variety. Enter the turntable observation:
Basically, the turntable observation is based on my (limited) understanding of microwave theory, which posits 'standing waves.' 'Standing waves' are way too esoteric for this blog, but I think that 'standing waves' account for my symptoms. I remember 'standing waves' from my radar classes back at Kessler AFB in Biloxi, Mississippi. Standing waves are very undesirable in an economic scientific sense. You want to avoid standing waves because they concentrate energy where you don't want it. It is difficult to avoid standing waves in an RF system: the system must be designed such that it propagates energy (down a waveguide, for example) in the most efficient manner, especially if the desired result is a smooth power output. The equations which deal with this matter are very 'sharp.' There is little room for error.
While I'm on the subject of the sensory effects of HDEMR I should mention that my conclusions were derived by way of many hours of 'observation.' Laying in bed at night, experiencing the symptoms of HDEMR, I had much time to observe the problem. I also had much time to perform various experiments designed to confirm or eliminate various hypotheses and/or conjectures regarding the cause of the problem. These experiments, conducted over many months, have led me to believe that my theory of 'harrassment by HDMR' is correct. Most of them are a bit too subjective to bother with at this time, but a very clear indication has never failed to support the core HDEMR hypothesis: the turntable observation:
You regular readers might recall that I at first ascribed the sensory radiation effects to 'skin gas,' and that I later revised that conjecture to 'radiation,' specifically 'electromagnetic radiation.' Gas, at that time, was the only known (to me) method of harrassment, and so I assumed at first that the problem was a gas. I later revised the conjecture to EMR (electromagnetic radiation) of the microwave variety. Enter the turntable observation:
Basically, the turntable observation is based on my (limited) understanding of microwave theory, which posits 'standing waves.' 'Standing waves' are way too esoteric for this blog, but I think that 'standing waves' account for my symptoms. I remember 'standing waves' from my radar classes back at Kessler AFB in Biloxi, Mississippi. Standing waves are very undesirable in an economic scientific sense. You want to avoid standing waves because they concentrate energy where you don't want it. It is difficult to avoid standing waves in an RF system: the system must be designed such that it propagates energy (down a waveguide, for example) in the most efficient manner, especially if the desired result is a smooth power output. The equations which deal with this matter are very 'sharp.' There is little room for error.
A Gentle Torture
I found a recent PBS 'expose' titled, 'Torturing Democracy' very interesting. I missed the first 20 minutes or so, but the remainder was fascinating, and I look forward to a re-airing in the near future, as it has disappeared from my TiVo. The show (double entendre intended) examined America's recent change of heart regarding torture of its enemies. I found it interesting from the perspective of the tortured, because I am tortured every day and every night.
'Gently' of course. Relatively gently.
The most recent example can be found in my 'gas log:'
'Bed at 2300 (TCR morphed into other Rad 0430-0730, 0930-1000, 1100-1130).'
'Other Rad' was MTRFL (muscle-twitching radiation feet and legs); PRUB (pricking radiation upper body); IRFS (itching radiating face and scalp); SCRS (skin-crawling radiation, scrotum); SCRH, (skin crawling radiation, hands) and SCRF (skin-crawling radiation, feet). There was also some SR (stinging radiation) in various locations. Concurrent with that, there were also a handful of gas attacks - gentle of course - each of which produced one or two coughs, usually preceeded by a tap from above. I should mention that the skin-crawling radiation (except for the scrotum variety) appears usually on the backs of the hands and on the tops of the feet. SCR can also appear on the face and scalp, and other parts of the body except for the palms of the hands and the bottom of the feet. SCRS (skin-crawling radiation, scrotum) is by far the most common variety, followed by SCRH and SCRF (almost exclusively in bed at night). TRF (tingling radiation, feet) is a sub-category of MTR).
I found a recent PBS 'expose' titled, 'Torturing Democracy' very interesting. I missed the first 20 minutes or so, but the remainder was fascinating, and I look forward to a re-airing in the near future, as it has disappeared from my TiVo. The show (double entendre intended) examined America's recent change of heart regarding torture of its enemies. I found it interesting from the perspective of the tortured, because I am tortured every day and every night.
'Gently' of course. Relatively gently.
The most recent example can be found in my 'gas log:'
'Bed at 2300 (TCR morphed into other Rad 0430-0730, 0930-1000, 1100-1130).'
'Other Rad' was MTRFL (muscle-twitching radiation feet and legs); PRUB (pricking radiation upper body); IRFS (itching radiating face and scalp); SCRS (skin-crawling radiation, scrotum); SCRH, (skin crawling radiation, hands) and SCRF (skin-crawling radiation, feet). There was also some SR (stinging radiation) in various locations. Concurrent with that, there were also a handful of gas attacks - gentle of course - each of which produced one or two coughs, usually preceeded by a tap from above. I should mention that the skin-crawling radiation (except for the scrotum variety) appears usually on the backs of the hands and on the tops of the feet. SCR can also appear on the face and scalp, and other parts of the body except for the palms of the hands and the bottom of the feet. SCRS (skin-crawling radiation, scrotum) is by far the most common variety, followed by SCRH and SCRF (almost exclusively in bed at night). TRF (tingling radiation, feet) is a sub-category of MTR).
Revisiting October
As I was reading last week's posts ( on monday evening), I noticed another booze-related memory failure in (2) below. The trial was about cocaine, not qualudes; though prescriptions for qualudes were presented to the jury in the jury room that drug was not mentioned at trial (that I can recall). Interestingly, there was no discussion of that drug during deliberations. I found those prescriptions to be somewhat incriminating but did not mention that to the other jurors. Were dentists able to prescribe cocaine in some form to patients back in those days (the '70s)? Possibly. I eventually concluded that the prosecution had failed to prove 'intent,' and the jurors agreed with me, some of them reluctantly. I was not the jury foreman, by the way. What still interests me nowadays is how much 'revenge against the criminal justice system' might have played a part in my decision. I think it played a significant part. In fact I know it did. See this blog entry for the reason why. (1620L and I'm buzzing my brains out after 2.5 beers.)
1701L and I just opened beer #5. Still buzzing, of course, but I seem to have reached a plateau. I've been reading October 2006. Great stuff! I recommend it.
As I was reading last week's posts ( on monday evening), I noticed another booze-related memory failure in (2) below. The trial was about cocaine, not qualudes; though prescriptions for qualudes were presented to the jury in the jury room that drug was not mentioned at trial (that I can recall). Interestingly, there was no discussion of that drug during deliberations. I found those prescriptions to be somewhat incriminating but did not mention that to the other jurors. Were dentists able to prescribe cocaine in some form to patients back in those days (the '70s)? Possibly. I eventually concluded that the prosecution had failed to prove 'intent,' and the jurors agreed with me, some of them reluctantly. I was not the jury foreman, by the way. What still interests me nowadays is how much 'revenge against the criminal justice system' might have played a part in my decision. I think it played a significant part. In fact I know it did. See this blog entry for the reason why. (1620L and I'm buzzing my brains out after 2.5 beers.)
1701L and I just opened beer #5. Still buzzing, of course, but I seem to have reached a plateau. I've been reading October 2006. Great stuff! I recommend it.
Friday, November 07, 2008
You Go Obama!

Time to wrap this up, but I need music. It seems to me that Beethoven's Emperor Concerto is appropriate on this auspicious occasion. Here is the first movement. Pussywise, I have nothing quite appropriate, but blue is the color.
You go Obama!
Tonight's Links
I wish the new administration well, of course, even though I didn't vote.
My new acid management strategy appears to be working, and I am improving on it day by day, using both new and old technology: 40 mg of Omeprazole in the mornings, followed by aluminum and magnesium hydroxide in the evenings. So far so good.
Here are some links for this week:
The cost of war. (video)
The Earth at Night. (composite photo)
More photos of the star next door. (more sun photos)
Shape escape. Fun little game.
Totem Destroyer. Fun larger game. 25 levels, all do-able.
Board Dots. Challenging.
God is not Enough. He thinks that God 'isn't stupid'. I disagree. I've talked with God and He's an idiot.
The psychological Impact of Circumcision. Thank You God.
I wish the new administration well, of course, even though I didn't vote.
My new acid management strategy appears to be working, and I am improving on it day by day, using both new and old technology: 40 mg of Omeprazole in the mornings, followed by aluminum and magnesium hydroxide in the evenings. So far so good.
Here are some links for this week:
The cost of war. (video)
The Earth at Night. (composite photo)
More photos of the star next door. (more sun photos)
Shape escape. Fun little game.
Totem Destroyer. Fun larger game. 25 levels, all do-able.
Board Dots. Challenging.
God is not Enough. He thinks that God 'isn't stupid'. I disagree. I've talked with God and He's an idiot.
The psychological Impact of Circumcision. Thank You God.
I am a Reporter
Not that I voted. Not at all. I don't vote. I am a committed nonvoter. Furthermore I will never vote. Ever!
I clearly remember the first time I voted. It was back in Salina Kansas while I was an airman stationed at Schilling AFB. I was patriotic back in those days. I was eligible to vote. My Japanese wife was not a citizen at that time and could not vote. So I voted for my family. Bad idea: I soon learned that by voting I had become a citizen of Kansas. Kansas sent me a bill for my share of state taxes. We could barely feed ourselves on my airmen's salary so I sought military legal assistance. My lawyer unsuccessfully characterized the tax as a 'poll tax.' We paid. Kootch learned about 'voting' from that, and as a result has never voted. I voted once or twice again in Colorado some time ago during moments of weakness. The result was that I was required to become a juror in both cases. Sheeeeeit! I was being stalked by a Judeo-faggot looney at the time (and still am) and the ACSD sided with the JF Looney (and still does) and the idiot Arapahoe County Government wanted me to be a juror?! HUH?! (I should mention that in the'70s while I was working for Honeywell I was juror in a federal drug case involving a dentist who prescribed legal (at the time) drugs (qualudes). Interesting experience. I voted 'not guilty' and eventually swung the jury. I had done pot by that time and was certainly not a 'disinterested citizen.' I should have been disqualified, but apparently I looked so much like FBI that nobody asked. I would have told them the truth but nobody asked.)
Well, folks, I attended the 'juror meeting' and promptly informed the ignorant bastards that I was not suited to be a juror because I had absolutely no faith whatsoever in the Arapahoe County Criminal Justice System. They got the message and excused me immediately. Since then I have not been tempted to vote.
I am far from a 'patriot.' I am instead a person who lives in America. I am far from an activist. Instead I am an observer. Lately I am also a reporter. I am still seeking justice.
Not that I voted. Not at all. I don't vote. I am a committed nonvoter. Furthermore I will never vote. Ever!
I clearly remember the first time I voted. It was back in Salina Kansas while I was an airman stationed at Schilling AFB. I was patriotic back in those days. I was eligible to vote. My Japanese wife was not a citizen at that time and could not vote. So I voted for my family. Bad idea: I soon learned that by voting I had become a citizen of Kansas. Kansas sent me a bill for my share of state taxes. We could barely feed ourselves on my airmen's salary so I sought military legal assistance. My lawyer unsuccessfully characterized the tax as a 'poll tax.' We paid. Kootch learned about 'voting' from that, and as a result has never voted. I voted once or twice again in Colorado some time ago during moments of weakness. The result was that I was required to become a juror in both cases. Sheeeeeit! I was being stalked by a Judeo-faggot looney at the time (and still am) and the ACSD sided with the JF Looney (and still does) and the idiot Arapahoe County Government wanted me to be a juror?! HUH?! (I should mention that in the'70s while I was working for Honeywell I was juror in a federal drug case involving a dentist who prescribed legal (at the time) drugs (qualudes). Interesting experience. I voted 'not guilty' and eventually swung the jury. I had done pot by that time and was certainly not a 'disinterested citizen.' I should have been disqualified, but apparently I looked so much like FBI that nobody asked. I would have told them the truth but nobody asked.)
Well, folks, I attended the 'juror meeting' and promptly informed the ignorant bastards that I was not suited to be a juror because I had absolutely no faith whatsoever in the Arapahoe County Criminal Justice System. They got the message and excused me immediately. Since then I have not been tempted to vote.
I am far from a 'patriot.' I am instead a person who lives in America. I am far from an activist. Instead I am an observer. Lately I am also a reporter. I am still seeking justice.
I Love it!
It's a bit after 1700 and I'm sitting here reflecting on the amazing political spectacle of the 2008 elections. The Republican party is a shambles after having relied too long on the 'party first, country second' political methodology of Carl Rove. A new era dawns, but remains mostly undefined except for guiding principles like pragmatism and nonpartisanism. Science is rising, Godism is in decline. Ancient religious idiology has become appropriately unpopular except with the 'evangelical base' of both parties, and most of us believe that Jesus will not soon return to save our collective butt (sorry). The public is suffering from 'war weariness.' McCain is a raging 72 year old maniac who doesn't know when to retire from his war-hero life. Palin is an ignorant ditz who thinks Africa is a country instead of a continent. Bush is 'quackin' like a duck.'
Enter Barrak Hussein Obama, next president of the United States. African-Americans are ecstatic but secretely nervous about their supposed newfound elitism. Patrician, huh?!
Most whites are as nervous as blacks. The times, they are a-changin'. In short, I love it!
It's a bit after 1700 and I'm sitting here reflecting on the amazing political spectacle of the 2008 elections. The Republican party is a shambles after having relied too long on the 'party first, country second' political methodology of Carl Rove. A new era dawns, but remains mostly undefined except for guiding principles like pragmatism and nonpartisanism. Science is rising, Godism is in decline. Ancient religious idiology has become appropriately unpopular except with the 'evangelical base' of both parties, and most of us believe that Jesus will not soon return to save our collective butt (sorry). The public is suffering from 'war weariness.' McCain is a raging 72 year old maniac who doesn't know when to retire from his war-hero life. Palin is an ignorant ditz who thinks Africa is a country instead of a continent. Bush is 'quackin' like a duck.'
Enter Barrak Hussein Obama, next president of the United States. African-Americans are ecstatic but secretely nervous about their supposed newfound elitism. Patrician, huh?!
Most whites are as nervous as blacks. The times, they are a-changin'. In short, I love it!