Friday, November 14, 2008


The Turntable Observation

While I'm on the subject of the sensory effects of HDEMR I should mention that my conclusions were derived by way of many hours of 'observation.' Laying in bed at night, experiencing the symptoms of HDEMR, I had much time to observe the problem. I also had much time to perform various experiments designed to confirm or eliminate various hypotheses and/or conjectures regarding the cause of the problem. These experiments, conducted over many months, have led me to believe that my theory of 'harrassment by HDMR' is correct. Most of them are a bit too subjective to bother with at this time, but a very clear indication has never failed to support the core HDEMR hypothesis: the turntable observation:
You regular readers might recall that I at first ascribed the sensory radiation effects to 'skin gas,' and that I later revised that conjecture to 'radiation,' specifically 'electromagnetic radiation.' Gas, at that time, was the only known (to me) method of harrassment, and so I assumed at first that the problem was a gas. I later revised the conjecture to EMR (electromagnetic radiation) of the microwave variety. Enter the turntable observation:
Basically, the turntable observation is based on my (limited) understanding of microwave theory, which posits 'standing waves.' 'Standing waves' are way too esoteric for this blog, but I think that 'standing waves' account for my symptoms. I remember 'standing waves' from my radar classes back at Kessler AFB in Biloxi, Mississippi. Standing waves are very undesirable in an economic scientific sense. You want to avoid standing waves because they concentrate energy where you don't want it. It is difficult to avoid standing waves in an RF system: the system must be designed such that it propagates energy (down a waveguide, for example) in the most efficient manner, especially if the desired result is a smooth power output. The equations which deal with this matter are very 'sharp.' There is little room for error.

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