Friday, November 07, 2008


I Love it!

It's a bit after 1700 and I'm sitting here reflecting on the amazing political spectacle of the 2008 elections. The Republican party is a shambles after having relied too long on the 'party first, country second' political methodology of Carl Rove. A new era dawns, but remains mostly undefined except for guiding principles like pragmatism and nonpartisanism. Science is rising, Godism is in decline. Ancient religious idiology has become appropriately unpopular except with the 'evangelical base' of both parties, and most of us believe that Jesus will not soon return to save our collective butt (sorry). The public is suffering from 'war weariness.' McCain is a raging 72 year old maniac who doesn't know when to retire from his war-hero life. Palin is an ignorant ditz who thinks Africa is a country instead of a continent. Bush is 'quackin' like a duck.'
Enter Barrak Hussein Obama, next president of the United States. African-Americans are ecstatic but secretely nervous about their supposed newfound elitism. Patrician, huh?!
Most whites are as nervous as blacks. The times, they are a-changin'. In short, I love it!
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