Friday, June 30, 2006
No Pictures
Proof here that Jesus actually speaks Americanese!
This might be a good time to post my first photograph. Lemmee see... nope. I'll have to do this when I'm sober, because the software (Zoombrowser) is hoplessly counterintuitive. What a piece of shit! Guess I'll have to save this feature for soberer times.
Well, I've had enough of thinking about the faggot Gerash for one night. I'll perfect the upload technique this week and do it next Friday.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Seven Times Down... Eight Times Up.
This fun illusion works best with faces. My Daruma Doll was a good subject for this one. By the way, it only takes a few seconds to program your visual system with it. You don't need to stare at it for as long as they recommend.
Here is another fun visual. (Both of these are from clicked.)
I was somewhat surprised to learn that these Daruma Dolls are 'wish' dolls: you make a wish, then draw in the pupil of one eye. If the wish is ever realized you are supposed to draw in the other eye. Kootch brought two of them back from Japan some years ago, and both had their eyes already filled in. Two wishes granted, I suppose. The doll is round and weighted at the bottom such that it always returns to the upright position. The head is hollow. The hollow head is Zen symbolism for the meditative state. The weighted bottom is symbolic of the saying, 'Seven times down... eight times up.'
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Charlatans and Fools
Fun Puzzles. Kootch was fascinated.
Fun on the psychiatric ward. I agree with the author concerning the bizarre nature of Psychiatrists (not to mention Psychologists). I have found them all to be (huge stomp above me in the hallway as I walked to the kitchen for another beer) charlatans and fools. No exceptions. None whatever.
C-IIIwise I am involved in yet another game, having terminated the previous game as soon as it became fairly boring. Same participants. The English were unfortunately destroyed early on by the Aztecs. I eventually destroyed the Persians and the Babylonians, and have reduced the Germans to an inconsequential force in world affairs. Interestingly, mister Headbanger upstairs did not stomp at all during those proceedings, breaking his pattern of abstinance only recently as I was writing this blog tonight. (Being gassed here: very low dose of LLG. Thump.) France is the most dominant power, but I am ahead in technology.
Speaking of technology, today I spent about six hundred dollars on a camera and a printer. I expect that my enemies (Denver's Jewish Mafia) will take note and back off. If they don't I will attempt to destroy them. Fair warning.
Suck on that, mister Gerash. Suck hearty. Party.
Friday, June 16, 2006
See You in Non Serviam
Well, well. This must be an example of 'booze momentum:' Once you get started in a particular blog while you toss back a few you are likely to remain in that blog. Time for me to wrap this up and head for Non Serviam. But not before I bring you up to date C-IIIwise.
I finished off the Greeks quickly with about 90 Modern Armor, then began a new game. I chose The Russians and The Germans to replace the Greeks and the INDIAns. Nothing personal. I was just rebelling against Mister Headbanger upstairs who seems to resent me destroying certain civilizations, like Russians and Germans. So far there have been only headbangs; no stomps. I expect stomps when I disassemble the Germans. Meanwhile the Russians are kaput. Following the rule to 'attack the weak' I blew Russia away in a few moves.
Amazingly, France attacked me! This happened soon after France and I split up England. The Brits had been so unwise as to establish a city on 'my' continent, and when an obviously superior France attacked them I took the opportunity to take that city into the New Roman Democracy. The Germans attacked me first, an incident which remains unavenged. But France?! My Sweetie?! I reacted appropriately, of course, by bribing both the Aztecs and the Babylonians into going to war with me against France. Meanwhile I was 'playfighting' against France. My real interests were, in order, the Russians (they were weak and nearby), the Aztecs (they had the desirable Great Wonder, Magellan's Voyage), and the Germans (simple revenge). I will put up with French antics to the point that we two will be the ultimate survivors.
The real challenge of this game was at the beginning when I was attacked by the Persians. For no reason! It was 'touch and go' there for a while, but once I had successfully denied them Iron my victory was assured. I eventually destroyed them.
See you in Non Serviam.
The Eighth Deadly Sin
I first noticed the 'circumcision problem' back in '77 or so, when Kathy brought Charlie home from the hospital. He was circumcised. I was (boom) outraged. When I complained to Kathy she told me that Mark (her husband) was also circumcised, and 'like father, like son.' Kathy, of course, had never seen my dick and so had no reason to question the mutilation of her son. I accepted Charlie the way he was, of course. But the question nagged at me: why was a fella name of 'Mark Sandstrom,' circumcised?
I would later discover the reason: at the time of Charlie's birth fully 85 percent of American males were routinely circumcised soon after birth for 'health considerations.' I would discover even later that those 'health considerations' were more like 'Jewish mental health considerations:' Jews simply could not live at ease in the midst of an uncircumcised Christian America. They needed to circumcise the population. And they did it.
They did it through their power (tap) in medicine, media, and law. The Jewish Crusade against the natural American penis was aided immensely by the European Holocaust which had the effect of innoculating American Jews against all manner of criticism. The Holocaust was a 'godsend' to American Jewry. It still is: Jews are above criticism. Jews are above criticism because they successfully invented The Eighth Deadly Sin: AntiSemitism (being gassed here).
The Malicious Legacy of Abraham
TPEP would certainly be the driving force behind the circumcision of South Korea, also a 20th Century phenomenon. But how did it begin? What was the 'rationale?' And, importantly, does the 38th parallel form a demarkation line between the Cuts and Uncuts of Korea? Is it more than than just politics? Is it also a penis problem?
At this point I should probably mention other psychological processes which are the antithesis of TPEP: Hmm... I'm thinking... Ok, I'll call them the (saved by the bell at 1728) circumcision revulsion reactions: CRR. CRR is a normal reaction to circumcision: the Uncut is revulsed at seeing the mutilation. Furthermore the Uncut understands some of the implications of the mutilation: decreased sensitivity and decreased ability to masturbate. The Uncut understands that the Cut suffers from an unnatural orgasm-deprivation condition. Eventually the Uncut understands that this unfortunate situation leads to the malice of Penis Envy, a malice which extends even to the children of the Cut.
This familial malice is the real legacy of Abraham.
Unbearable Penis Envy
I was fascinated by the following quote which I found in the story described in the previous entry:
'For Jews, a ritual circumcision, or bris, is a sacred covenant with God, (my emphasis) commanded in Genesis. Jews have been circumcising their sons for thousands of years.'
I began wondering what the real story on circumcision actually was. Being the skeptic that I am I don't believe the VOOT, of course; it seemed to me that the 'covenant' crap was made up at a later date in order to cover - so to say - the real story. So here is my conjecture. Remember, this is only conjecture:
The Jewish males were circumcised by either the Babylonians or the Egyptians (or both). This was done in order to permanently identify them as slaves. Over time, this initial reason for the mutilation was lost, but the practice was self-perpetuating, being passed down from father to son through an unrecognized psychological process I call 'penis envy.' (I should note here that Freud invented the concept but ascribed it to little girls as part of their maturation. That the great Freud missed his own penis envy suggests how insidiously unconscious it can be.)
The 'penis envy process' is by now well known to many members of what I call 'The Circumcision Cult.' I claim that American Jews were able to successfully circumcise America in the 20th Century using bogus 'Medical/health' reasons, knowing that the process was virtually self-perpetuating due to TPEP. I furthermore claim that their rationale for this mass mutilation was, simply, that circumcates suffer so much penis envy that they are literally unable to coexist comfortably within an uncircumcised population.
A Clear Case of Penis Envy
This looks to me like a clear case of penis envy. What a juicy story! Here's the gist of it:
A father is fighting his ex-wife in court concerning the wife's intention to circumcise their eight year old son. The wife has custody but the father retains certain rights, including, apparently, the right to refuse permission for the, uh, 'procedure.' The wife claims she is acting in her son's best interest, citing several cases of 'painful inflamation' which she blames on the child's foreskin.
She thinks that circumcision will cure the problem.
Complicating matters somewhat is the fact that she recently married a Jew who also has a son who is presumably circumcised. Further complicating matters is the probability that the Judge (Kaplan) is also a (circumcised) Jew. Kaplan, who will be deciding the case in lieu of a jury, appeared quite sensitive about the question of whether the Jewish husband is circumcised declaring, 'We're not going there.'
Nobody seems to have asked the boy who owns the 'defective' penis whether he wants the problem cured or cut off. I would suggest asking the boy.
I would further suggest instructing the mother and child concerning how to wash the child's genital area including how to skin a dick back, soap it up, rinse it off, then skin it forward again. Takes about 3 or 4 seconds once you get the hang of it.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Recent Discoveries
Some stuff I discovered recently:
The Penis Song from a naughty lady in Charleston, SC.
And these neat sites from Clicked:
I should also mention NOHARMM, of course, which came to my recent attention via Slate.
What do I Have Against the Greeks? Nothing.
The planned invasion went well and Delhi was taken on schedule. I then flew in eight bombers to be used in concert with tank force attacks against adjacent cities. The new airport allowed for fast and massive reinforcement of existing tank units, and the campaign against the Aztecs proceeded, city by city. The two flanking carrier groups, meanwhile, kept the seas clear of Aztec naval forces, while at the same time bombing cities to 'soften them up' prior to tank force attacks. You will be pleased to know, Zane, that I freed all Indian slaves (workers) immediately, allowing them to become happy, productive citizens again. I will eventually free the Aztec workers too, of course, but right now I need those slaves to help me rebuilt the infrastructure.
It took us twenty turns to defeat the Aztecs, and only France stood with me 'til the end. Both the Brits and the Greeks made an early peace, around move 15 or so, The Brits apparently picking up a large reward in Aztec gold in the process. Naughty! The war was spectacular in visual terms as four different navies prowled the Aztec waters bombarding everything in sight. Only France was able to field an air force (besides me of course), and it seemed to arrive on scene just as I was about to capture a city. Instead of bombing the city itself the French forces would bomb the surrounding infrastructure, destroying it. Irritating. But I must admit that I did the same thing to France early in the war.
I am now in the process of preparing an attack against the Greeks, upgrading tanks to modern armor and moving them toward Greece. My naval forces are also on the move toward Greece. Yas... Soon those many Greek territorial violations against me will be avenged... Grrr.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Mission to Delhi
Having arrived here from Non Serviam, I want to mention that I terminated booze operations just in time. I anticipate only a small hangover problem tomorrow, and Friday's liver bash is still scheduled. Now back to C-III: an invasion force is underway even as I type this. It consists of 14 Tank units, two Infantry units, four Cavalry units, and four Workers. The plan is to take Delhi, build an airport, then fly in reinforcements. I also plan to base a considerable force of land-based bombers in Delhi.
Monday, June 05, 2006
We Shall See...
I did, in fact, attack and eventually destroy Babylon. This conquest was made almost obligatory by the revelation, once I had achieved 'Refining,' that the nearest source of oil for my civilization was located in Babylon. So it was a matter of either taking the oil by force or buying it on the open market with all the expense and uncertainty that implies. The former Babylonian lands have since become a valued and productive addition to the Roman Empire. Greece survived the French/English/Aztec wars with only minor damage and is at peace for the moment. Then Montezuma declared war on me! How convenient! I immediately did my bribery scenerio with my allies England and France again and they declared war on Aztecs. Somebody (forgot who) bribed poor India into joining our coalition. Gandhi, who had had a long-standing war problem with the Aztecs, unwisely took the bait and was promptly destroyed by those same Aztecs. As matters now stand, I have two Carrier/Attack Groups deployed off the East and West coasts of Aztecia (?) and am beginning a bombing campaign against certain cities and strategic resources preparatory to an eventual invasion. Assisting in this 'interdiction' effort will be a three-battleship task force which will bombard Aztecian oil and rubber sources near the coastal cities of Atzapotzalco and Tiocopan. My initial objective will be the former Indian city of Delhi (dyes) in the South. I am under strong pressure by my Secretary of State (a female) to make the capture of the Northern city of Teotihuacan (silks) a high priority. We shall see...
Friday, June 02, 2006
Things Are Getting Interesting
Greece attacked me! It was a 'pussy attack' consisting of one Swordsman in a galley, followed later by one Knight in another galley. I immediately bribed France and England into a 20-move 'alliance' against Greece. France, in turn, bribed the Aztecs and later even the Babylonians into a war against Greece. Babylon shares a continent with Greece, and will most likely take the brunt of the Grecian resistance. This fits nicely with my plans to attack Babylon. In the meantime, while those nations have been all been at war with each other, I have made peace with Greece and continued building my infrastructure. I am almost ready to strike (tap) at Babylon, which event will make Greece my temporary ally. Things are getting interesting.