Friday, June 16, 2006


The Eighth Deadly Sin


I first noticed the 'circumcision problem' back in '77 or so, when Kathy brought Charlie home from the hospital. He was circumcised. I was (boom) outraged. When I complained to Kathy she told me that Mark (her husband) was also circumcised, and 'like father, like son.' Kathy, of course, had never seen my dick and so had no reason to question the mutilation of her son. I accepted Charlie the way he was, of course. But the question nagged at me: why was a fella name of 'Mark Sandstrom,' circumcised?

I would later discover the reason: at the time of Charlie's birth fully 85 percent of American males were routinely circumcised soon after birth for 'health considerations.' I would discover even later that those 'health considerations' were more like 'Jewish mental health considerations:' Jews simply could not live at ease in the midst of an uncircumcised Christian America. They needed to circumcise the population. And they did it.

They did it through their power (tap) in medicine, media, and law. The Jewish Crusade against the natural American penis was aided immensely by the European Holocaust which had the effect of innoculating American Jews against all manner of criticism. The Holocaust was a 'godsend' to American Jewry. It still is: Jews are above criticism. Jews are above criticism because they successfully invented The Eighth Deadly Sin: AntiSemitism (being gassed here).
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