Friday, May 25, 2012


Scooting Around...

Which brings us to my last post for tonight: Beginnings.
Q: Whence came thou?
A: I bubbled up.
Q: And then?
A: I scooted around on The Surface of The Universe.
Q: And then?
A: I will eventually pop.
Q: Meanwhile?
A: I enjoy.
Q: And then?

Water, Water, Everywhere...

Which brings us Down to Earth again. You will absolutely love this APOD illustration comparing Earth to its Water, sizewise. What a glorious illustration! Upon seeing this illustration I wondered what a 'fresh water illustration' would look like. Awesome!
But just in case Earth ever runs out of water, Europa can (and will) become our Solar System Well! Whew!
Interested in the 'nitty-gritty' of water on our planet? Here it is. Invest wisely. I don't plan to be around, of course., and couldn't care less...


Did I 'hook you' with that last question? You wondered?
The Buddha cannot be 'manufactured.' The Buddha must be forged from human suffering. It is a transformation.
But Paradise Engineering can theoretically create the Buddhist Universe, thereby rendering Buddhism obsolete. Is that a good thing? Sounds good to me, but I need to hear more.
I'm wondering about Rats (for example): If an Asteroid struck Earth and wiped out all humanoid life but spared Rodent life, That is one thing; But if said asteroid destroyed all mammalian life, that is quite another thing. It would be a long time before Earth's remaining species evolved enough to recreate 'Paradise' again.
And Darwin would be almost irrelevent in that scenerio.
But not entirely! (Sip.) Unless, of course, The Sun died in the interim.

All The World Wants to Know.

2017 and I am working on beer #7, I think. Kootch is asleep. Sip. Watching CNN recently, I saw the Dolly Lama again on PM. I was not impressed. My advice to the DL would be, 'Do Acid!' Don't get me wrong: I love the DL. But any 'philosophy' which does not take LSD into consideration is obsolete in this 21st Century. Sip. Interestingly, The DL would become a Wirehead! Wow. So I wonder: The DL is 'Science-friendly;' it would seem to follow from that, that the DL would be willing to do appropriate experiments regarding 'suffering.' (I don't include 'opiates' and related chemistry for obvious reasons, of course.) What modern invention can replace The Buddah? What modern invention would make The Buddah obsolete? All the world wants to know...

We Are That.

I was amused by the idea that the Colorado Legislature recently considered a Marijuana DUI Bill without actually having done any scientific research to determine the relationship between 'driving impairement' and 'THC blood level,' selecting instead an arbitrary THC/blood concentration of 5 ng/ml. The proposal failed 217/7. Alright! We might be dumb but we ain't that dumb!
The subject brought to mind Ouspensky's term, 'Mechanical Forces.' I have 'refined' the term to mean, 'Biological Machines.' Some of us 'biological machines' are beginning to realize the awful truth. 

How to Avoid Going to Heaven.

Back from the fridge with beer #4 at 1749. NBC News has a story about naughty doings at the Vatican. Tsk, tsk! Sip. (Only 12 beers left. Darn.)
While I had the phone out, I decided to call Lucifer:
lu: Hello?
me: I just got off the phone with God. He seems 'technologically challenged.'
lu: Very. You are a good judge of 'character.'
me: Really?
lu: Ok, fair judge of 'character.' What was the 'technology?'
me: We didn't get that far, but it involves the abolition of suffering.
lu: Alright! I wasn't aware you were that advanced!
me: We're thinking about it. How is Hell doing in that regard?
lu: We're almost there; but be advised, it's more difficult than you can currently imagine. Much more difficult.
me: Can you give us a little hint?
lu: Think 'genetic entanglement.'
me: Aha. Do you think I should broach the subject with God again?
lu: It's hopeless. My advice is, 'Leave it alone.'
me: What about the simple philosophic principle of 'a Universe without suffering?'
lu: It's a good subject to bring up if you ever suspect that you might be scheduled to go to Heaven when you die.
me: Thanks! I'll remember that!
lu: You are certainly welcome.

Calling the Jewish God, WHTZSNM.

Whoa! Buzzing my brains out after one beer, which I drank while Kootch ate supper and we watched M. Starting beer #2 at 1650. Sip.
It's a good thing I did that first post totally sober. Apparently my recent 'abstinence from booze' allowed a single 3.2 Natural Light to take my CNS by surprise. But that (abstinence) is over now: Kootch is back, and I can get drunk as a skunk again. Sip. I can hear my neurons shouting, 'Thank you god!'
You're welcome. Sip. I think...
Now working on beer #3 at 1711. Sip. Buzzing outrageously. This might be a good time to call God: I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Strange things are happening on Planet Earth!
gd: (sarcastically) Tell me about it.
me: We Humans are going to abolish suffering!
gd: Don't make me laugh.
me: Having a bad day?
gd: Every day is a bad day. Why are you calling?
me: Technology is approaching the point where we Humans are seriously thinking about abolishing all suffering!
gd: You're smoking something. Right?
me: I wish.
gd: OK, I'll bite: What is 'technology?'

Moving on up: From Nihilism to Abolitionism.

Nihilism seems like a good place to begin this week's link dump. We'll work our way up from here... with some beer. Yas.
Better Never To Have Been: A review. This is not quite 'nihilism,' but its anti-human, pro-biotic theme is not exactly appealing. The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement is the official website: 'May we live long and die out' is their motto. Well worth browsing. Really. No kidding.
The Abolitionist Project seeks to abolish suffering. This is more like it! (I need to talk to god about this...)
Concerning the above-mentioned goal, the following links demonstrate that the majority of us would like to get that grand project moving right along... Right now!
Poll: 56% Favor Legalizing, Regulating Marijuana in U.S. Yay!
Poll Shows 74% of Americans Support Medical Marijuana. Yaaay!
Oregon U.S. Attorney: 'I don't care about Medical Marijuana.' Excellent and enlightened attitude.
Pro-Medical Marijuana Candidate Wins Oregon AG Race. Oregonians are obviously well informed citizens.
Marijuana DUI Bill Fails Again in Colorado. So are us Coloradoans.

Friday, May 11, 2012


A Terrible Toll.

Back with beer #6 at 1810. Sip. Buzzing slightly. Hongry! Two weeks of sobriety has obviously taken a terrible toll (sigh). Guess I'll do Tonight's Pussy:

See you again next week, maybe.

Tonight's Link Dump

Sipping on beer #1 (of 9) at 1451. Sip. Feeling well-rested, clear-minded, and totally uninspired. Sip. Maybe beer will help. Sip. We'll see... I'll do a little 'blog maintenance' (deleting last week's links from the 'interesting' file) while I wait for the buzz...
Maintenance done. Back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1524, buzzing very slightly. Sip. Better do the link dump first:
How to Speak to God (Wikihow). Unintentionally hilarious.
The 'Secret' Reason Circumcision is Performed. Ditto.
Jewish Ritual for Newborn. Tragic.
Circumcision Bill Dies in Colorado House. Yaaay!
500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art. Made me smile.
Larry Flynt argues for Marijuana Legalization. Good reasoning.
Tell Me Again Why We Need A New Cannabis DUI Law. 'Time Distortion' (Time seems to pass very slowly when you're High) may be a factor.
The Biggest Diamond. Apparently, The Beatles were right! (Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - (LSD.))
Wave on a String. I had some fun with this one. I wondered whether the 'inverse square law' (twice as far - four times weaker) would show up in the simulation. Does it?
Whew! Working on beer #5 at 1730, buzzing slightly. Time for The News...

Friday, May 04, 2012


'Not tonight, Honey.'

Tonight's Blogging session was cancelled due to sleep deprivation caused by intense (tap) microwave attacks. Maybe next week... 

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