Tuesday, January 23, 2007


The Enemy Within


Two left-over beers and tonight's State of the Union event were all the excuse I needed to revisit (tap) you. (It doesn't take much!) Not that I'll watch the speech; I prefer my Bushisms filtered through Liberal Media. (Is there any way to morph 'nuculer' into 'nuclear?' No? Yeesh.)

It isn't just Bush. I once picked up a library book titled, 'The Critique of Pure Reason.' After a few pages I put it back thinking, 'Huh?' Years later I would discover the value of second-hand information which had been filtered through a knowlegeble intermediary, and nowadays when I read Kant it is through, for example, Will Durant. I never read Kant directly. Not that Bush equals Kant. Far from it.

As I see it the 'State of the Union' is precarious: we are poised on the cusp of a war with Islam Itself. (After having sat through about an hour of quackery I gave up and came back to my blog. Bush is The Anti-Christ and Jesus is a chimp. We are in deep doo-doo.) Here is the central (boom) pernicious dogma: 'To win the war on terror we must take the fight to the enemy.'

Nonsense. 'Taking the fight to the enemy' will only only inflame enemy passion; will only act to recruit more enemy. We need to realize that 'the enemy' are old and odius ideas themselves. Nothing more. We need to ridicule the enemy, including the enemy within, including Bush. We need to recognize that the real enemy is old and odious religion - and not only old and odius Mohammedanism but old and odius Judaism and old and odius Christianity. Our enemies are religion and emotion. Our friends are Science (and her consort, Technology) and Reason.

One last quote from Bush the Anti-Christ: 'The evil that inspired and rejoiced in 9-11 is still at work in the world.'

Yep. And we saw it tonight as we watched the State of the Union speech.

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