Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I'm shocked. Shocked!

Sipping on beer #2 at 1159. Sip. Unusual for me to drink in the morning, but microwave radiation has been really heavy for quite some time now, and I got a fair amount of sleep last night, and I don't like to blog when I'm sleep
deprived. Twelve beers available plus a new bottle of Canadian Mist. Sip.
I've been thinking of 'blogtweeting.' Would that work? Be interesting to try it. Sip. I could go onto Twitter, of course, but would I use it much? I think I'll try a 'blogtweet' test on Blogger first. Sip. I also like the idea of doing a 'nightly beer blog.' Just a paragraph or two.
Pope Francis has shocked the world again! I like this guy! Seems he has at last sort of desiniated (is that a word?) homosexuality. This is excellent news for homosexual priests and bad news for possible 'blackmailers.' One of my little 'theories' is that after WWII, certain Jews used the threat of blackmail to influence church policy away from condemning routine infant circumcision, a prime Jewish policy for America. The result was a very slack response from The Church, and millions of new 'converts' to 'below-the-belt-Judaism.' Sip.
(Whoa! What had been an MRAD-free environment has suddenly begun to make itself felt in my right foot as intense itching on the front top skin.)
Back from the fridge with beer #4 at 1240. Sip.
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