Friday, March 21, 2014
God vs Mother Nature.
'Every year, in hospitals across the United States, hundreds of thousands of newborn boys are strapped naked to a board and assaulted in their genitals by ritually attired practitioners known as physicians. Although the operation is painful, it is performed without anesthetic; the baby's cries are interpreted as signs of healthy lungs, and his subsequent traumatized sleep explained as proof that the operation caused no discomfort. Memories of the pain may impair his intellectual or emotional development. And the procedure, although safe as surgeries go, is not risk-free. Boys experience hemorrhage, infection, and ulceration; the urethral opening narrows due to scarring; and the penis may be bent, deformed, split, perforated, amputated, or burned off. Even if the operation goes well, the boy ends up with genitals that are structurally altered. Viewed from the perspective of normal human anatomy, he has been mutilated.'
The above quote is from, 'Circumcision: Cultural-Legal Analysis.'
It is well worth reading and I recommend it to prospective parents.
Whew! That took a while, but even though I am buzzing nicely, I managed to learn a little more about how the stalker/hackers try to impede my blogging.
Whew. Sipping on beer #6 at 1944. Sip. Coughing due to DPR. Sip.
Hmmm! as I sit here buzzing my brains out on 3.2 beer (Natural Light) it strikes me that as a person who has totally enjoyed his foreskin for 79+ years, I am something of an 'Authority' on that subject. Really! So here is my advice:
NEVER circumcise or otherwise mutilate the sexual organs of newborns. Mother Nature got it right. God got it wrong. God hates orgasms.
But orgasms are natural, beneficial, self-nurturing CNS events. More is better! One orgasm per day is great. Two is even better. Furthermore, orgasms are cheaper and healthier than sleeping pills.
(Aha! It just dawned on me that we recently had a time change to Daylight Saving Time! Was that what caused last week's blog problem?! Could well be.) (Being zapped from the left side with heavy microwave radiation. Much sneezing. Eyes watering. Nose dripping.)
'Every year, in hospitals across the United States, hundreds of thousands of newborn boys are strapped naked to a board and assaulted in their genitals by ritually attired practitioners known as physicians. Although the operation is painful, it is performed without anesthetic; the baby's cries are interpreted as signs of healthy lungs, and his subsequent traumatized sleep explained as proof that the operation caused no discomfort. Memories of the pain may impair his intellectual or emotional development. And the procedure, although safe as surgeries go, is not risk-free. Boys experience hemorrhage, infection, and ulceration; the urethral opening narrows due to scarring; and the penis may be bent, deformed, split, perforated, amputated, or burned off. Even if the operation goes well, the boy ends up with genitals that are structurally altered. Viewed from the perspective of normal human anatomy, he has been mutilated.'
The above quote is from, 'Circumcision: Cultural-Legal Analysis.'
It is well worth reading and I recommend it to prospective parents.
Whew! That took a while, but even though I am buzzing nicely, I managed to learn a little more about how the stalker/hackers try to impede my blogging.
Whew. Sipping on beer #6 at 1944. Sip. Coughing due to DPR. Sip.
Hmmm! as I sit here buzzing my brains out on 3.2 beer (Natural Light) it strikes me that as a person who has totally enjoyed his foreskin for 79+ years, I am something of an 'Authority' on that subject. Really! So here is my advice:
NEVER circumcise or otherwise mutilate the sexual organs of newborns. Mother Nature got it right. God got it wrong. God hates orgasms.
But orgasms are natural, beneficial, self-nurturing CNS events. More is better! One orgasm per day is great. Two is even better. Furthermore, orgasms are cheaper and healthier than sleeping pills.
(Aha! It just dawned on me that we recently had a time change to Daylight Saving Time! Was that what caused last week's blog problem?! Could well be.) (Being zapped from the left side with heavy microwave radiation. Much sneezing. Eyes watering. Nose dripping.)