Saturday, February 01, 2014


Undo The Jew in You!

The bizarre spacing is due to unfriendly Jew modification of the Blogger Editor. Sip. But the message is clear: Undo The Jew in You!
Think about it this way: Abraham was an ignorant Jew who lived thousands of years ago. He was also a sexual pervert (circumcision fetishist). He failed his family by too much faith in god. He believed the 'voices in his head.' He was ready to kill his son. And he would have done it.
Incredibly, millions of Jews, Muslims, and innocents have suffered sexual mutilation over thousands of years as a result of Abraham's 'psychosis.'
Compare Abraham with Mother Nature:
AB: Mutilates.
MN: Waits patiently.
AB: Suffers constant subliminal pain and discomfort.
MN: Secretly and uncounsciously enjoys warm feelings.
AB: Suffers secretly.
MN: Discovers Orgasm.
AB: Suffers Secretly.
MN: Learns to Masturbate.
AB: Suffers Secretly.
MN: Learns to fuck.
AB: Suffers Secretly.
MN: Enjoys a glorious sexual life.
AB: Discovers pussy. His female partners suffer painful intercourse.
MN: Enjoys a glorious sexual life.

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