Friday, February 21, 2014


Exit Strategy.

Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 1824. Sip. And I am one of them. Sip. The difference is that I am 'weird' in a good way. Sip. They are not. Sip. Now what? Sip. I think we should continue (faint thump) in the current direction. So, how about another Imaginary Q&A? Sound good? Sounds good to me too!
Q: I can't think of a good question.
A: Next:
Q: Go get the next beer.
A: Next.
Q: Your 'War with the Jews' is madness. You can't win. Give it up.
A: Are you a Jew? (notice the font change)
Q: I might be. I might not be.
A: Check your dick.
Q: I'm interested in the weapons being employed. You have described the weapons being used against you. Tell us about your weapons.
A: Good question! My weapons are: Brain, fingertips, Computer, World Wide Web. I am a gentle person. I fight gently.
Q: But you have admitted that you have in your possession a (tap) .357 Magnum revolver which is always loaded and ready to kill.
A: A 'last resort.' Actually, I think of it as my 'instant exit tool.'
Q: Exit?
A: From this life, should life become too painful.
Q: But you would kill (tap) an intruder?
A: Yep. But my .357 is also an excellent practical/psychological weapon in my unwinable war with The Jews.
Q: Why dont you surrender?
A: To who?

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