Saturday, February 01, 2014


Circumcision Syndrome.

Probably. It doesn't take that much to irritate a Jew. So shall I irritate? Yes I shall!
I am your psychiatrist. You are a Jew. You have a problem but you don't know what it is. You are a male Jew. I interview you extensively. I 'figure you out.'
You pay
 me for that stuff. I give you a diagnosis: Circumcision Syndrome.
You are surprised and appreciative. You recommend me to your wife.
She tells me her problems. I diagnose her as a 'Jewish Wife' with 'Jewish Wife Syndrome.' I convince her that 'foreskin restoration' will save her sex life and her marriage. She convinces you. You do it. It works.
Both sexes deserve orgasms.
Do it!

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