Friday, January 17, 2014


Science -> Technology -> The Death of Mythology.

Sip. This is the kind of story that only children will believe. Adults will simply laugh. But if you can get them while they're young enough, you can mold their neuronal brain development such that they will believe that nonsense for the rest of their lives! And this is what makes 'modernity' so exciting. Billions of people, raised in 'primitive cultures' are suddenly, in adulthood, confronted by new facts which show their sacred beliefs to be little more than fairy tales. How they eventually 'handle it' is a question of immediate and significant relevence and fascinating interest. Sip. And yet to be determined! Sip. Stay tuned. Sip.
Sipping, but not puffing, darnit. I need to get serious about finding a local Ganja Purveyor (Pot Shop) where I can buy some legal Marijuana! Sip. I wanna become a 'Ganja Guru,' but first I need some Ganja! Sip. Maybe next week... Maybe not.
What is a 'Ganja Guru?' Your guess is as good as mine. But I like the way it rine. Sip.

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