Friday, January 03, 2014


Reasoning in the Realm of Synergy? Huh?

Sipping on beer #4 at 1831. Sip.
Legalized Marijuana is a good thing! Sip. And I am looking forward to doing an entire blog night concerning the special synergy between beer and Ganja. But there are possible problems:
I am used to 'weak Ganja.' Modern Marijuana is 'very strong stuff.'
'Modern genetic manipulation' has produced a wide variety of very strong Ganja which can be 'problematic' for an old guy like me doing booze at the same time. THC is one thing, and CBD is another thing... and whence the twain shall meet... nicely? That is the question. It's like a three way dance: complicated.
So I shall approach the problem cautiously. Indeed, I am still thinking about it from time to time. Yez. Sip. Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 1855. Sip. Buzzing nicely. Drugs can impact life quite dramatically. Therefore caution is advised. Sip.
So first, I need to do some research on 'modern Marijuana strains.' Any suggestions? No? Sip.
I plan to 'start small:' At the first sign of a beer buzz, take one toke, then hang on. Report results if able, otherwise throw up and fall out of chair. (I did that once.)
Eventually, I hope to report on the philosophical results of 'reasoning in the realm of Synergy.' We shall see. Stay tuned.
Nixon was the culprit, they say. He hated the 'Hippies' who demonstrated their displeasure with the war in Vietnam. So he 'outlawed Marijuana' by putting it in 'Schedule One.' The 'War on Drugs' began. It was a huge cultural mistake, equivalent to 'The Circumcision of America for health reasons.'

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