Friday, January 24, 2014


Cultural Obsolescence.

Sipping on beer #2 at 1840. Sip. After a much needed afternoon nap I am alert but uninspired. Sip. Time to reread and correct last week's posts... Yep. One title correction. Bzzz.
The subject of 'God's killings in the Bible' ( must be fascinating reading. (There was much 'hanky-panky' from local stalkery (thump) as I tried to write that.) What is very clear in The Bible is that the Jewish god is a blood-thirsty monster who kills and maims 'His People' constantly, beginning on the eighth day of life with 'circumcision,' a bloody sexual mutilation.
I'm not privey to what the Rabbis say about the bloodthirsty old bastard. The Preachers say He is a Loving God, but The Preachers are 'in it for the money.' You can't trust the bastards.
For example, The 700 Club, ( a popular TV religious show, is Big Business. Pat Robertson, the current host is a multi-millionaire. ( Money Honey!
Fascinating stuff. And the mantra is, 'Get 'em while the're young!'
But it's all obsolete. It's all junk. It's all crap. It's all a primitive way of understanding The World.


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