Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Recent News.
Sipping on beer #5 at 2005. Sip. Buzzing sluggishly. Now what? We need some beauty to counter-balance the ugly. Sip. But first, some 'news:'
Unable to read The Brick Bible online, I ordered a copy from Amazon. It arrived almost on time. There are two books: The Old Testament, and The New Testament. The quality is excellent and I highly recommend these books to my readers. What strikes me as being most valuable about these books is that they convey a new category of information: the visual category. The result is that much more of the reader's brain becomes exposed to that 'biblical information.' One picture is indeed worth a thousand words! In fact, no 'preacher' is needed. The reader has enough information to evaluate the story for hirself. An unfortunate (perhaps) result is that, in The Brick Bible, God comes across to us as a total Ass Hole.
(Oops.) Pope Francis has been named Time's Person of the Year! I like it! Excellent choice! 'First Runner-up' was Snowden. Yep. Two or three of the other 'candidates' were mind-bogglingly 'out of category.'
Speculation! Will Obomber's hand-shake with Cuba's Raul Castro begin a long-past-due series of communications with Cuba? Let us hope! Clearly, our long-standing 'feud' with Cuba has hurt both economies. 'Can't we all just get along?'
Sipping on beer #5 at 2005. Sip. Buzzing sluggishly. Now what? We need some beauty to counter-balance the ugly. Sip. But first, some 'news:'
Unable to read The Brick Bible online, I ordered a copy from Amazon. It arrived almost on time. There are two books: The Old Testament, and The New Testament. The quality is excellent and I highly recommend these books to my readers. What strikes me as being most valuable about these books is that they convey a new category of information: the visual category. The result is that much more of the reader's brain becomes exposed to that 'biblical information.' One picture is indeed worth a thousand words! In fact, no 'preacher' is needed. The reader has enough information to evaluate the story for hirself. An unfortunate (perhaps) result is that, in The Brick Bible, God comes across to us as a total Ass Hole.
(Oops.) Pope Francis has been named Time's Person of the Year! I like it! Excellent choice! 'First Runner-up' was Snowden. Yep. Two or three of the other 'candidates' were mind-bogglingly 'out of category.'
Speculation! Will Obomber's hand-shake with Cuba's Raul Castro begin a long-past-due series of communications with Cuba? Let us hope! Clearly, our long-standing 'feud' with Cuba has hurt both economies. 'Can't we all just get along?'