Friday, December 27, 2013


Kaiser Permanente to the Rescue!

First sip of Natural Light at 1330. Sip. Kootch and I got home less than an hour ago, soon after the nice folks at Kaiser Permanente did some eyelid surgury to reduce her eyelid 'overhang.' Apparently, 'Orientals' are prone to such eyelid problems which affect mostly older folks (Kootch is 80). The upper eyelids 'hang over' obscuring the upper part of the field of view, causing the owner to 'nose up,' which in turn causes muscle pain in the upper back. So far so good. Kootch claims that she has already lost that 'over-awareness' of her back muscles! Good on ya, Doc! Sip.
I'm working on a 24 ouncer. Sip. Six 12-ouncers in the fridge. Canadian 'Myst' backup.
Speaking of 'Mystical,' Colorado will legalize Marijuana for recreational use on January first! I have previously mentioned that alcohol and Marijuana have an excellent 'synergy' (as do LSD and Marijuana when it is taken on the 'downside' of a Trip at about 6-8 hours or more. Ganja goes with pretty well with everything, even sex and 5-minute chess. I plan to do an entire blog night while doing both NL and NM, hopefully next Friday or next monday. We shall see. Sip.

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