Monday, November 04, 2013


Sudden Attack by Microwave Cannons.

Sipping on beer #1 at 1841! This is a bit late for me, but I needed a nap this afternoon after a night of electromagnetic horror. Isn't Halloween over?! Sip. That electromagnetic stuff is compliments of the stalker Gerash and his, umm, 'helpers.' Last Thursday night was also 'horrifying,' and I didn't feel ready to do my usual booze'n blog thingee, so I skipped it. (Today is Monday - Kootch will stay home tomorrow until I 'recover' enough to get out of bed.) Sip. Back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1857. Sip. Time to reread last week... Yes, easy reading when I'm buzzing.
Gerash did not 'take me up' on last week's blog offer, so there will be no 'brown plate specials' in the forseeable future, and I will not have trouble explaining my sudden increase in wealth to the IRS.
End of beer #2 at 1913. (Huge blast of 'face rad  just as I was about to head for the fridge... 3 sneezes so far in quick (now 4 sneezes) succession - nose dripping... I lick up the salty liquid... eyes watering... face rad seems to have stopped now... but nose still dripping... Nose blow clears out huge quantities of watery mucus... off to the fridge at 1918... and back with beer #3 at 1920. Sip. No more face rad. Slight residual swelling is the L nasal mucosa at 1921. Sip. Summary: '4 sneezes in about 2 minutes. Tear and mucus flows. Residual swelling L nasal mucosa.'
Now what?

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