Friday, October 04, 2013


The Volunteer Mouse Experiment.

Sipping on beer #8 at 2007. Sip. Damn this is fun! Sip.
Working on beer #9 at 2034. Sip. Huh? What happened? I did some, uh, 'Blog Maintenence' or something. I think. Sip.
I 'exposed Gerash and The Jews.' My blog had very few readers (I suppose). No problem. I just wanted to 'write my diary.'
(Nasal swelling and general facial discomfort and constant mucus 'snuffing' indicates that I am now being zapped with heavy microwave radiation. Let me explain:
You have a 'Microwave Oven.' You use it to Heat food and water. But you are curious: 'Suppose I put my hand inside my microwave oven and turn on the power. Will it burn my hand?'
Good question! Congratulations! You have invented an experiment!
But when you try to turn on the microwave oven with your hand inside in order to do that experiment, you discover that 'nothing happens.' Darn. You eventually discover that there is a 'door interlock' on your oven which prevents the oven from operating with the door open. Therefore you cannot test your theory.
This clues you in to what you had already suspected: 'Yes, it would burn your hand.' And furthermore the maker of that oven engineered an 'interlock' into that oven which prevents you - dumbass that you are - from burning your hand in their oven. (Another pee, and a faint boom from above. Also another nose blow.)
But you are determined to answer the question. You find a volunteer mouse. You put that mouse into the oven and turn on the power. The mouse jumps, then collapses (No I have never done this experiment and I would never do this experiment, but after years of being bombarded by microwaves I can theorize concerning this experiment).
You are surprised by the 'suddenness' of the result. You open the oven door and feel the mouse volunteer. She is not unusually warm. Hmm! But the experiment only took about 5 seconds. Hmm.
Something unobvious seems to have been going on.

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