Friday, October 04, 2013


The Current Stalking Situation.

Now, regarding the current stalking situation, I shall do a simple restatement of what is going on:
1. I am being 'stalked.' This 'stalking' has been going on since at least 1975. There is no doubt about that (so far as I am concerned - others might not agree). (I am now getting 'warnings' from Blogger (tap) concerning the 'save status' of this post. So far, clicking on 'save' is working.) 
2. I do not stalk. Nobody, not even Kootch, has ever interested me that much. I have never been 'obsessed' with anybody. (I just 'took a piss,' and the obsessed stalker above tapped the floor (our ceiling) near the bathroom exhaust fan. The stalker has been doing this for many, many years. 'Occupants' move in and out over the years, but the real occupant - the stalker - keeps tapping. Indeed, that 'tapping' alerted me that my bathroom activities were being 'listened to.' As a result, I began suffering from 'bashful bladder syndrome.' I fixed that by turning on the very noisy bathroom fan every time I peed. Sometimes the stalker does not tap, but most of the time he does.)
3. The stalker often taps, or thumps the floor above me in an obvious 'communicative' (tap above) mode. These 'communications' are unwanted. Obsessed stalkers do that (unwanted communications) a lot. Phone calls are (tap) another methodology. I eventually stopped answering the phone and the activity eventually stopped. An early (late '70s) form was the 'Single ring, hangup,' which turned out to be a sign that the phone was 'bugged' such that the bugging device was activated by the ring signal (Infinity Transmitter). Usually the stalker could activate the bugging device silently, simply by dialing the number, but sometimes the phone actually rang. Answering the phone produced only a dial tone. This happened quite a lot in the late '70's. The ACSD seemed to be totally clueless, but they should have known about the device, and they should have warned me.
(continued next post)


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