Friday, October 18, 2013


Surprise! You are a...

End of beer #1 at 1726. Buzzing slightly. Now sipping on beer #2 at 1728. 17 beers left. Sip. Time to reread last week... Yep. Its fun for me to think like that. Indeed, one of the benefits of being Nontheistic is that there are no 'explanations,' no 'answers' to the big questions. Everything is a mystery. Everything! I love it! Sip.
I recently discovered The Science Channel, and The Smithsonian Channel on the Comcast version of JEWMEDIA. Fun. I should have mentioned this last week but I forgot. There is also the H2 channel (History 2?). Interestingly, both my old TiVo and my new Tivo could receive that channel, but recently my new Tivo cannot (tap) find the signal. Did you know that The Universe is 'infinite'? And that there are lots of other universes? You can't find this stuff in The Bible, folks. Sip. You can find it in the Science Channel program, 'How Big is the Universe?'
Then there's the small stuff. We don't sweat that, right? I plan to watch the program, 'How Small is the Universe' when I recover from tomorrow's hangover. Sip. Ever heard of 'String Theory?'
I forget who said that veriest truth about our universe many years ago: 'The Universe is not only stranger than we imagine, the universe is stranger than we can imagine.' I like that! Surprise me!  

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