Friday, October 11, 2013


Stop or I Will Fuck You Up.

Sipping on beer #7 at 2006. Sip. I'm thinking in a broad, general context about current human problems. Sip. Here is how I see the current human problem:
Science has produced a modern Technology which is so sudden and so overwhelming to Ancient Culture that - all over the Earth - Ancient Culture feels 'under attack.' Ancient Culture fights back using a combination of modern technology and ancient culture. It's only normal, only predictable. Burp. The Pope uses modern tech media in that regard. He is at the apex of power in an ancient culture which is rapidly being overwhelmed by Technology. He understands the meaning of 'catastrophe.' He wants to avoid such a catastrophe. He uses 'modernity' (in the form of modern media) to cushion the cultural shock of 'modernity!' Brilliant move! Indeed, he is suggesting that 'The Church' needs to either change significantly or collapse. And he is 'right on!' Indeed, I would not be at all surprised if The Pope recommends that 'Women Priests' be allowed, and that 'married priests' be allowed. The Pope is The Boss of Christianity, Protestanism notwithstanding. His 'word' is, in a sense, 'law.' As well it should be.
But there is no such 'boss' in modern Islam. Islam is fractionated. And therein lies the problem. (Local Judeo-faggot forces have interfered with my typing this blog again and again as I have been working here at the keyboard. I have a message to those 'forces:' 'Stop. Or I will fuck you up!'

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