Friday, October 25, 2013


Royal Flush?

Sipping on beer #5 at 1632. Sip. Kootch likes me when I'm drunk. Sip. Hmm. I should prepare better. On the other hand I like spontaneity. Kootch just waved 'Goodnight.' Shall we do an 'interview?' Yas! (thumps above seem to indicate 'approval).
in: Why don't you allow 'comments.'
me: That way I avoid 'stalker comments.'
in: But you also miss other comments and suggestions.
me: True.
in: Therefore?
me: Therefore I control.
in: But you pay a price.
me: Everything has a price.
in: ...
At which point the interviewer abandoned the interview.
Hmm. Now what?  (Isn't this fun!)
The point of this little scenerio is that 'The Bully is everywhere.' For me, Gerash (and his money) is the bully.
I can only speculate, of course, but Gerash apparently likes the smell of my shit. That, apparently is a fairly common human condition. It is shameful of course. Therefore Gerash tortures me for his attraction to my excrement. Make sense? Said torture also tends to indicate that Gerash tortures me for my 'antisemitism,' not for his shame. He wants you to know that he tortures me. He wants you to think that he tortures me for my 'antisemitism.'
By the way, Gerash can apparently 'intercept' our (tap) excrement when we flush it. 

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