Friday, October 11, 2013


Modernity Rules!

Lessee... I left off with the thought that Islam is 'fractionated.' There seems to be no 'central authority.' Therefore Islam will react to Modernity over a broad nebulous front with no 'strong points.' The conversion of Islam to Modernity will take a long painful time. Place your financial and cultural bets and, dig in. Pray if you must, but don't expect 'results' in the near future.
I think like that. Really. I am one 'aloof muthafuka.' Especially when drunk. Sip.
But the 'lesson' is clear: Modernity Rules! Better get used to it.
Think of it this way:
I have The Brown Telephone, you don't.
I can therefore talk to God at any time. You can't.
And I prefer not to dial God's number except on 'extreme' occasions. Does that give you a hint?
(By the way, 'they' stopped.)

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