Friday, October 25, 2013



Interestingly, I am not really that 'antiSemitic.' Gerash uses that 'canard' to justify his stalking. He wants you to think that he lurks above me and below me and next door to me, watching, waiting... guarding fellow Jews against this AntiSemitic Irish/German monster who has in his possession a .357 magnum revolver, who any day now, will decide to invade a Jewish religious service on The Sabbath Day and kill hundreds of Jews. Nope. Not so.
Unlike Gerash, I think that every human life is sacred. Inviolable. Human privacy is to be respected. Human Beings are to be 'sampled' communicatively in search of the 'like-minded.'
But not violated.
Gerash violates. Gerash lacks 'Social Intelligence.' On the scale of 'IQ' Gerash must rate about 100 (normal). But on the scale of 'SQ' Gerash must rate about 80 (dumbass).

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