Friday, October 11, 2013


Bizarre. Remember This.

Sipping on beer #1 (of 16) at 1659. Sip. Time to reread last week... Yep. It seemed to end a bit suddenly (thump) for some reason. Hmm. End of beer #1 at 1711. (That was quick! Burp.)
Back with beer #2 at 1715, buzzing somewhat. Left nasal mucosa swelling; nose running slightly (tap).
Let's get this 'bathroom thread' out of the way before we get too drunk, shall we? We shall. Sip. (Both nostrils are literally dripping now; The two watery mucus flows join on the upper lip, flow down a single path over the lips, then drip from the chin, nicely confirming Newton's (?) theory of gravity.)
Many years would pass before it finally dawned on me that there was more to that 'bathroom tapping' than I had previously thought. It was much more than 'harrassment.' The 'real' reason (heavy 'face rad' now as both nasal mucosa begin swelling and both eyes water) was to get me to turn on that fan! True, the fan tended to mask 'bathroom sounds,' (to my benefit) but it also forced ambient air up through the potty exhaust pipe where it could be intercepted and redirected into the bathroom above! That realization was a 'thump the front of your head with the butt of your hand' moment: The stalker wanted to smell our bathroom ambient air! Yuck.
It made no sense at the time, butt I later conjectured that since male homosexuals spent lots of time in 'men's rooms' looking for like-minded sexual partners (back in those days), and since much of that time must have been spent in a highly erotic state, in a very smelly place, many homosexuals must have become 'sexually imprinted' on the smell of shit.
This realization brought back a memory, which in light of that 'theory,' finally made sense to me: I was sitting alone in the potty, pooping. I had been playing chess at the Denver Chess Club. Gerash walked in, strolled past me to the urinals, and as he did so, noisily inhaled a huge breath of the ambient potty air, and exhaled a long, noisy, 'Aaaahhh!' My first impression was that he was enjoying the smell! But I rejected the thought in view of the 'fact' that everybody finds the smell of excrement disgusting. Nevertheless, the incident remained in my memory, tagged as, 'Bizarre. Remember this.'    

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