Monday, September 09, 2013


The Russian Solution to the Sarin Problem.

Buzzing nicely as I return from the fridge with beer #4. JEWMEDIA in the form of CNN has quite recently been featuring several of the 'Neocons' who conned us into the Iraq War: Wolfowitz was on CNN as I retrieved the beer. Rare that CNN has people like that on, but CNN has been parrading several of them from the Iraq disaster, recently. Seems CNN wants us to attack Syria, apparently replacing the concept 'We report; you decide' with, 'We indoctrinate; you vote.'
Interestingly, the current connundrum regarding how to address the Syrian use of Nerve Gas was suddenly upended today by a Russian suggestion that Syria could allow UN control of all Syrian supplies of Sarin. Good idea! We need to abolish 'weapons of mass destruction' from Planet Earth! Let us hope that we can succeed. And by the way, I would include among such weapons, The Glompco Clamp, the Mogen Clamp, and the Plastibell, Jewish weapons which account for 90% of the mass destruction of American sexual life! Sip.
President Obama (or O'bama, or Obomber, or OBummer - take your pick) apparently discussed the Sarin problem with Vlad Putin recently. Hmm! (Shhhh.)

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