Friday, September 13, 2013
Fun Intellectual Stuff.
Sipping on beer #1 at 1754. Sip. Last posts were done with only six beers, so I'm well recovered. I have ten available for tonight (including two 24-ouncers). Sip. Lessee... my mind is a blank... Might as well reread last session... No buzz yet... Ok, done reading, and buzzing slightly.
I was 'catching up' on some of the blogs in my blog list today and was really impressed with Sam Harris' blog This is probably the most 'intellectual' blog I read. Highly recommended! Speaking of 'high,' The Stalkers (faint boom) (tap) above have been preventing me from reading several blogs. They apparently do this by disconnecting the cable momentarily, then reconnecting. How they can do that without affecting the TV signal is a mystery. This has been going on for many months. The stalkers seem to particularly dislike, and The sites load partially, then hang. Testing shows that the 'Hang point' varies from hang to hang, suggesting that the stalkers control the process manually, and sometimes are not really 'paying attention.' Why do they 'censor' those sites? YGIAGAM.
This blog is another 'intellectual' blog that I really like, and is also highly recommended. There are some really stunning visual effects here, as well as intellectual.
Well, I've finished the first 24 ouncer at 1837 and am buzzing appropriately. Back from the fridge now with beer #3 (in effect). This one is a 'small' beer. I bought two 24 ouncers to go with the six leftover 12 ouncers, for tonight, bringing the total to ten beers with the usual Canadian Mist 'backup.'
Sipping on beer #1 at 1754. Sip. Last posts were done with only six beers, so I'm well recovered. I have ten available for tonight (including two 24-ouncers). Sip. Lessee... my mind is a blank... Might as well reread last session... No buzz yet... Ok, done reading, and buzzing slightly.
I was 'catching up' on some of the blogs in my blog list today and was really impressed with Sam Harris' blog This is probably the most 'intellectual' blog I read. Highly recommended! Speaking of 'high,' The Stalkers (faint boom) (tap) above have been preventing me from reading several blogs. They apparently do this by disconnecting the cable momentarily, then reconnecting. How they can do that without affecting the TV signal is a mystery. This has been going on for many months. The stalkers seem to particularly dislike, and The sites load partially, then hang. Testing shows that the 'Hang point' varies from hang to hang, suggesting that the stalkers control the process manually, and sometimes are not really 'paying attention.' Why do they 'censor' those sites? YGIAGAM.
This blog is another 'intellectual' blog that I really like, and is also highly recommended. There are some really stunning visual effects here, as well as intellectual.
Well, I've finished the first 24 ouncer at 1837 and am buzzing appropriately. Back from the fridge now with beer #3 (in effect). This one is a 'small' beer. I bought two 24 ouncers to go with the six leftover 12 ouncers, for tonight, bringing the total to ten beers with the usual Canadian Mist 'backup.'