Friday, September 20, 2013


Essential Anorgasmic Rage: A new Malady?

Circumcision, a condition which leads to 'too few orgasms,' produces, 'Essential Anorgasmic Rage.' My guess is that millions of American men suffer from it. Indeed, my guess is that many Jewish and Muslim men also suffer from the same syndrome. (Have I just invented a new psychological category? I think so. But I theorize, you decide.)
If I am correct, it would explain much modern international violence and terrorism, not to mention American Jewish Tribalism and millions of American men who are 'honorary Jews,' and who therefore suffer the consequences of anorgasmia. It would also explain why many, many otherwise intelligent and knowlegable circumcised men refuse to change ancient tribal/religious attitudes in our modern times. (Oops. I just did a Google Search for 'anorgasmic' and ended up at Wiki's 'Anorgasmia,' ( which cites 'genital mutilation' as one of the causes!
What we have here, it seems to me, is a self-perpetuating loop (feedback loop) which significantly blocks modern cultural evolution, and tends to generate cultural violence in a world which is rapidly becoming not only technologically communicative, but technologically capable of extreme violence!
Baaaaad recipe, folks.
We need to change that recipe ASAP.
American JEWMEDIA should take note of this disasterous trend.
American JEWMEDIA needs to 'admit' that 'universal circumcision' is a very bad idea, both individually and culturally.
American JEWMEDIA needs to attack a stupid 4000 year old idea!
Question: Is American JEWMEDIA up to the challenge?
All the world wants to know.

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