Friday, August 30, 2013


Phil Donohue: American Hero.

And Jews control both American Healthcare and American Media! (Working on beer #7 at 2015. Sip.)
Which explains your mutilated penis! (faint boom)
If I remember correctly, one of the last shows presented by Phil Donohue had to do with 'Foreskin Restoration.' And soon after that particular show aired, it was cancelled. I have no doubt at all that those two events are intimately related. My only question is, did Phil Donahue do that show after he had learned that his show would soon 'go away' - or - did The Phil Donohue Show 'go away' after Phil did his show on Foreskin Restoration?
That is the question. We don't Know. In any case, I consider Phil Donohue to be one of the great heroes of American Culture. He 'stemmed the tide' of Jewish circumcision in America.

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