Friday, August 09, 2013


Even Jesus Was Hacked.

Testing... Looks like nothing has changed since my last post. We'll see...
Back from the fridge with beer #1 (of 7+2. I stopped blogging last week after 5 beers, which left 7; and I recently bought a 24 ouncer.) Sip. Time to reread last week... Yep, funny and to the point. But short! Did the hackers take issue with my Brown Telephone conversation? Awww...
Back with beer #2 at 1542. Sip. And by the way, CNN's Sanjay Gupta has a 'special' on Marijuana this coming Sunday evening. You might want to TiVo it. Judging from the 'teases' on CNN, Sanjay is a 'new convert' to our cause to decriminalize it. (And no, I still don't have any. Apparently it's because I have no 'social life.')
Hmm. There are two obvious subjects for 'discussion!' (face rad is suddenly causing watery eyes and nose dripping. I'm trying for a sneeze... nope. I settled for a nose blow.
I'll start with 'hackers.' What is 'hacking?' It would certainly help to look up the 'etimology' of the word, but my Thesaurus sorta disappeared some time ago. Hmm. 'Hacker' suggests 'chopper.' (Thunder. And Kootch's satelite channel is down. Is God on the side of the hackers? Horrors.) 'Chopper' suggests 'axe' or 'knife.' The word 'hacker' suggests 'cutting.' Hmm. Lessee. Aha! Was Abraham the very first 'hacker?'
Another aspect of 'hacking' is that the hacker is 'hidden' and therefore relatively safe. That is to say that hackers can cut and chop with little fear of reprisal. (More face rad now at 1624. Back from the fridge with beer #3.) In the modern computer age, digital sophistication provides hackers with a guaranteed cloak of annonimity, leaving them free from worries of 'justice' and 'revenge.' Back in the times of Abraham, circumcised infants were defenseless, and records of circumcisions did not exist. Furthermore, all your neighbors were circumcised. It was the norm. It was 'hacker heaven' back in those days. The bastards could cut and chop infant penises to their hearts' content. They loved it and they did it with a vengance. Even Jesus was 'hacked.'

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