Friday, August 02, 2013
Do Your Foreskin Restorations, Boys.
First sip of 3.2 Natural Light at 1530. Sip. The last session ended in a minor disaster last week due to too much whiskey too fast, and rereading it totally sober was something of a 'hoot.' By the way, I'm typing this on a new keyboard. The previous one went 'belly-up' after serving for at least ten years. And somebody is actively hacking this computer again, as I have lost the cursor control described previously. I logged on earlier (and apparently unexpectedly) and verified that the editor was working well; but when I logged on again just now the same old cursor problem re-appeared. Other strange things have happened recently: (1) Norton Security Suite disappeared, apparently removed by Norton, or Comcast, or some other hacker. I was 'ok' with that because my system ran faster and used less memory. But after several days the entire thing got itself re-installed! Fucking magic! My guess is that this blog is so highly 'Jew-irritating' that Jews in both organizations have 'taken an interest.' Just a conjecture, of course, but it is part of my M.O. and I am not at all surprised that it seems to have worked.
(Now listen up and listen good, boys: Do your foreskin restorations! ASAP!)
Sipping on beer #2 at 1556. Sip. Buzzing appropriately. Time to reread last week... yep, embarrassing. And I refuse to describe the gastronomical results of all that whiskey. Yeesh.
Today I have my usual 12-pac of NL. It will be more than enough.
First sip of 3.2 Natural Light at 1530. Sip. The last session ended in a minor disaster last week due to too much whiskey too fast, and rereading it totally sober was something of a 'hoot.' By the way, I'm typing this on a new keyboard. The previous one went 'belly-up' after serving for at least ten years. And somebody is actively hacking this computer again, as I have lost the cursor control described previously. I logged on earlier (and apparently unexpectedly) and verified that the editor was working well; but when I logged on again just now the same old cursor problem re-appeared. Other strange things have happened recently: (1) Norton Security Suite disappeared, apparently removed by Norton, or Comcast, or some other hacker. I was 'ok' with that because my system ran faster and used less memory. But after several days the entire thing got itself re-installed! Fucking magic! My guess is that this blog is so highly 'Jew-irritating' that Jews in both organizations have 'taken an interest.' Just a conjecture, of course, but it is part of my M.O. and I am not at all surprised that it seems to have worked.
(Now listen up and listen good, boys: Do your foreskin restorations! ASAP!)
Sipping on beer #2 at 1556. Sip. Buzzing appropriately. Time to reread last week... yep, embarrassing. And I refuse to describe the gastronomical results of all that whiskey. Yeesh.
Today I have my usual 12-pac of NL. It will be more than enough.