Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Sexual Revenge.

Back from the fridge with beer #10 at 2130. Sip.
Time to speculate about modern strange and bizarre cultural events. Yep, I'm referring to the high incidence of 'rape in the American Military Services.' I have a 'theory about that.' My 'theory' is that rape is actually 'sexual rage gone apeshit.'
I have never experienced 'sexual rage.' Never. Ever. The two words have no connection at all in my consciousness. And Sexual Rage seems to be a more or less modern phenomenon. Hmm!
Here is The Theory:
Only males, 'Rape.' (Imagine a dominant woman forcing a limp penis into her vagina!)
Mostly, only sexually mutilated males feel 'Sexual Rage.'
Rape in the military is a fairly recent phenomenon which corresponds timewise to the Judeo-American practice of infant male sexual mutilation.
Therefore, our modern national problem with 'rape in the military' has its root cause in the cradle: Infant male sexual mutilation (Jewish Circumcision) is a violent act against a defenseless child which emerges in adulthood as sexual rage and the sexual imperative to rape!
End of theory. Sip. Suck on it.

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