Wednesday, May 08, 2013


Do You Have a Pre-Ex?

Sipping on beer #2 at 1904, buzzing sluggishly. Sip. I was planning to do the blog this coming Friday, but the weather forecasts suggested that tonight would be a better time. So, I took two 'naps' today in an attempt to get my CNS up to 'Blogger speed.' And here I am. (And my mind is a blank.) Time to reread last week... Yep. That 'interview with god' grew out of my chief criticism of Judeo-Christian Mythology: (1) God creates imperfect beings. (2) God imposes certain 'rules of behavior' on those imperfect creations. (3) When those imperfect beings (inevitably) 'break the rules,' God punishes them in Hell forever. Forever? Huh?
So I was thinking of a way to prevent such an obvious injustice: a Pre-Existence Agreement. (Think 'pre-nuptual agreement.') Such an agreement would require God to pre-create a person before doing the actual creation of that person. The precreated person would be advised of his rights to decline actual creation, and would be provided with a Jewish lawyer at no charge. (Yes, I know we're getting a bit bizarre hereabouts, but bear with me.) The three of them would negotiate an agreement satisfactory to all concerned, the object of which is to totally prevent any form of Eternal Punishment. It is designed to be a totally foolproof system.    

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