Monday, May 20, 2013


Circumcised Eyes.

Daruma is staring at me. He does not look happy.

Notice his right eye. It seems a bit 'cloudy,' as if some of the black pupil has been abraided away. I noticed this recently when I 'recruited him' to be with me while I blogged tonight. (Oops, I forgot to reset the 45 minute timer and I am sitting here with an empty can. Hmm. Ok, I think we'll modify the terms of the experiment again to include one emergency refill when the subject forgets to reset the timer. Back from the fridge with beer #4. Sip. Reset timer. Sip)
Kootch brought Daruma from Japan. He was a gift to her brother from a fan. Her brother died. Kootch brought Daruma to me, aware of my interest in Zen (thump above me). Or maybe it was 'just a memento.'
I just finished beer #4 and am buzzing quite nicely. Only 35 minutes until I can pop open beer #5. Snort. Now coughing from L Lung Rad; L nasal mucosa also swelling.
I decided to use Daruma this week after re-reading last week's debacle. And Daruma fits with the current theme of 'meta-awareness.'
Back from the fridge with beer #5. 22 minutes left on the 45 minute beer timer. Snort.
Daruma reminds me that I am alive. He apparently does it telepathically when I look at him. Good ole Daruma. I only need him when I'm drunk, but he helps even when I'm sober. You should get a Daruma. I highly recommend a 'Family Daruma.'
But DO NOT circumcise your eyes! (Or, for that matter, the family penises. Mother Nature knew exactly what She was doing when She invented eyelids and foreskins.)
Which brings us to tonight's music: Blue Spanish Eyes.
I suspect that this particular Daruma was (tap) 'inserted into my life' back in the '90s by the stalker Gerash. Back in those days my right eye 'watered' frequently, probably due to heating of the lens by microwave radiation directed at me from the apartment above or below. (Being zapped now by 'nose rad.' Nine sneezes so far; both eyes watering profusely (10 now); L nasal mucosa swollen slightly more than R nasal mucosa. Attack seems to be over now at 1754. Sniff.
Possibly Gerash wanted me to 'make the connection' many years later when my right eye needed 'lens replacement.' But he could not, of course, have imagined 'the context' in which his sick perversion would eventually become public.

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