Monday, April 15, 2013


Viva Marijuana!

Sipping on beer #7 at 1809. Sip. And at this point we will digress to the very interesting experiment which I have recently been conducting regarding how brain function is improved over time sans booze. It's been 24 days now since my last confession (er, drunk), and since then I have been totally sober. I like it! Indeed, although I am working on beer #7 I am still feeling totally in control of all intellectual and emotional functions. Buzz is still minimal! Very interesting! Sip. The lesson to be learned here, I suppose, is that the longer the brain has to 'recompose itself absent drugs,' the better it does that job.
My guess is that four weeks or so of drug-free 'restoration' will do about 95% of that restoration job.
Which brings us to April 20, 2013, this coming Saturday. Marijuana Day. Viva Marijuana!
Life would be interesting enough without drugs. That much is true and we all know that. But drugs often enhance life in mysterious ways. I mean 'subtle drugs' of course. Aspirin, for example, is a subtle pain reliever. True, too much Aspirin can kill you. That is true. But Aspirin overdose kills only a relatively small number of people each year.
Marijuana is not so subtle. The neat thing about Marijuana - compared to Aspirin - is that it not only gets you really, really High, it will not kill you! You can not possibly smoke enough of it to kill you! Marijuana is not a lethal drug! (And by the way, in many situations, Marijuana is a much better pain killer than Aspirin. 'Pain' is complex.)
Indeed modern pharma pain killers are notorious for killing people instead of killing people's pain! (Congratulations to NBC for their recent discovery in that regard. Keep up the good work.)
But I digress.

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