Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Time Matters.

Sipping on beer #8 at 1833. IQ is now about 130. Sip. About time. Sip.
Which brings us to why such an ingeniously devised series of pitfalls ultimately failed. 'It was a perfect plan! Why did it fail?! How did he escape?!'
It failed because I was 'awake' (tap) and 'the perpetrators' were 'asleep.' It was as if I had 'intelligence' revealing their stupid little plan. And I must admit that after many years of being stalked and attacked by Jews, I have developed my own very effective defenses. True, I have little defense against microwave attacks (and, by the way, I would never do anything like that to Jews), but my 'psychological defenses' are superb: I enjoy my life in spite of those stupid Jews. Really. (Suck on it, Jews!)
Regarding how Kroger Jews might have used an emotional meltdown by me to their advantage, I can only guess. But my psychological state is so obviously superior to that of The Jews that the entire tribe seems to be suffering. What is my secret?
Time. Time is the 'secret.'
Jews believe ancient nonsense. I don't.
Simple as that.

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