Monday, April 15, 2013
Looking Forward...
2218 local and I just did the last sip of Natural Light. Gotta go to the kitchen and do a replenishment...
Now sipping on beer #13, my last beer. I have my usual 'backup' in the form of Canadian whiskey, of course. (Oh Canada! We love you Canada! Yes we do!)
Snow at 2238 Denver time! Six inches! Sip.
My current 'state' is that I am buzzing 'moderately.' After 12 beers I would ordinarily be buzzing my brains out, but it has been weeks since my last confession and since then I have committed these sins: I have not imbibed any drugs at all. Sip.
Those were 'the good ole days.'
Now I am buzzing moderately on beer #13.
The current Terrorism Story is now playing on CNN, MSNBC and other Jew-controlled media. I am totally unfamiliar with the story, having been busy writing my Blog during the time the story has been unfolding. I shall now 'Sign Off.'
The plan is to re-appear blogwise next week. See you then.
2218 local and I just did the last sip of Natural Light. Gotta go to the kitchen and do a replenishment...
Now sipping on beer #13, my last beer. I have my usual 'backup' in the form of Canadian whiskey, of course. (Oh Canada! We love you Canada! Yes we do!)
Snow at 2238 Denver time! Six inches! Sip.
My current 'state' is that I am buzzing 'moderately.' After 12 beers I would ordinarily be buzzing my brains out, but it has been weeks since my last confession and since then I have committed these sins: I have not imbibed any drugs at all. Sip.
Those were 'the good ole days.'
Now I am buzzing moderately on beer #13.
The current Terrorism Story is now playing on CNN, MSNBC and other Jew-controlled media. I am totally unfamiliar with the story, having been busy writing my Blog during the time the story has been unfolding. I shall now 'Sign Off.'
The plan is to re-appear blogwise next week. See you then.