Friday, February 15, 2013



I've been thinking recently about how Technology will be affecting human culture in the near future. I refer, of course, to The Rise of The Robots. Robots are replacing Human Beings in The Workforce, and 'jobs' are dwindling in number as a result of those robots. True, Human workers are needed to create and repair robots, but the long-term implications suggest that jobs for humans will become more and more scarce. Fewer and fewer humans will be able to find jobs as the robots take over. The 'middle class' will mostly disappear as the world becomes more and more dependent on robots. What to do about that? And furthermore, why should I care?
I don't care, actually, but I can't help thinking about it from time to time because it's such fun!
I imagine that as robots 'take over' Humanity's everyday chores, Humanity will devolve/evolve, becoming less muscular and more cerebral. Muscles will shrink as the need for movent declines. Heads will swell as the need for knowlege and pleasure increases. Brains will need room to grow. More and more of body weight will become 'brain weight.' Limbs will wither over time as personal robots come to the aid of needy human brains. Eventually, Humanity will become a collection of 1,000,000 human brains in 100,000 'brain tanks,' all attended to by ignorant robots - each and every human brain experiencing only a continuous stunning orgasm and nothing else.
And then The Aliens arrive. They study the Civilation in great detail. Then they turn off the electricity.
But what a way to live! What a way to die!

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