Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Sic 'im, Mister Prez!

Working on beer #4 at 1738. Sip. Kootch has hit the sack. Moderate 'face rad' is, and has been, causing frequent nose blowing as I have been writing this. Very interestingly, I did not have this 'problem' as I sat in the Kaiser WR. Indeed, I used that 'unusual environment' as a 'base line' with which to later judge the amount of microwave radiation I am absorbing from above, below, and next door. The evidence is, as usual, overwhelming: Whereas I have been blowing my nose every 3-5 minutes or so as I sit here writing this, I snuffed (tap) my nose only twice (in the bathroom at KP). My right eye (faint boom) seemed to 'water' at the 'normal rate' while sitting in the WR, however.
End of beer #5 at 1812. Now (tap) what?
Boozetime! Yep. I'm back from the fridge with my first glass of Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist. Another 'nose blow' and my left nasal area is swelling from microwave radiation, indicating that much of the rad is coming from 303. Yet another nose blow. Maybe I'll 'time' these 'blows.' Yes I will! (Another blow about 2 (tap) minutes later.) Sip. I'm gonna get very drunk very fast if I keep this up. The Presidential Debate will soon begin. I'm listening to CNN as I write this. Maybe I'll record it. Sip. Snuff.
My advice to The Prez would be to 'Attack.' No more, 'Yes, Massa.' Romney is a psychopath who will say anything to get control of the most powerful country in the world, and his Neocon Jew supporters care not at all about circumventing Democratic processes. Sic 'im, Mister Prez! We are with you!
Interestingly, the 'face Rad' seems to have stopped at 1840, but stay tuned.

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