Friday, October 12, 2012


A Rearry Rittre Rink Dump.

Link Dump time before I become too inebriated. Lessee...
Not long after getting out of bed this morning, I was sitting on the LR couch. My nose had begun dripping (from MR) while I sat on the side of the bed putting on my socks and shoes, and I needed to blow out all the accumulating snot. When I 'blew' I felt a 'bible booger' fly out of my right nostril. Ohboy! But when I checked the contents of the 'Puff' hankie, only wettness was to be found. Darnit. I love pasting bloody bibleboogers into the pages of my Booger Bible! Oh, well. I later discovered that I had indeed blown out a large biblebooger, but that it had bounced off of the napkin and stuck to the upper palm of my right hand. By the time I discovered it, it had 'died' (dried out). I rolled it up between the thumb and forefinger of my left hand and dropped it into the trash basket near me. Only just now, as I am writing this, did it occur to me to 'resussitate' that BB by putting it in a spoon with a few drops of water. Alright! I'll remember that! (No, I won't go looking for it today. Maybe tomorrow.) Sip. Isn't this fun? Sip. So when I logged on to the Internet this morning I did a Google search for 'bible booger.' Google did not quite recognize the term, but sure enough, in the first handful or two of suggested sites I found this reference to my very first blog, Non Serviam. ('Heitai' means 'Warrior' in Japanese.) I read 'previous posts' for a while and marveled at how my 'blogging style' had slowly changed over the years.
(Back from the fridge with beer #4 at 1642. Sip. On the way back I opened Kootch's bedroom door and waved 'Hello.' She smiled and waved back. She was watching Japanese TV.)
Not much of a link dump, was it. Oh, well.

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