Friday, September 07, 2012
Whew. The Cons are over!
Beginning beer #1 (of 12) at 1500. Sip. Yum! The good news is that the Political Conventions are over! Whew. I give the Republicans a C- and the Democrats an A+, both grades based on 'quality of content.' I found the Republican 'content' literally filled with lies and distortions, and the Democratic 'content' generally truthful. I could go on and on, of course, but I will spare you. (Damned white of me. Right? (tap))
Last sip of beer #1 at 1516; buzzing slightly. The plan is to drink the first three beers as usual, then limit the frequency thereafter by using a timer. We'll see how that works out. Burp. Burp.
Back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1522. Sip. Snort. (Face Rad is causing the usual tearing and nasal swelling and mucus (tap) flows.)
Regarding the Speakers at the DemCon, I watched some but not all. I found the First Lady's speech interesting, but I know the Prez so well that I did computer stuff while he was speaking. I also liked the speeches by Rahm Emanuel and Elizabeth Warren, especially. But the most spectacular speech by far was that given by good ole ex prez Bill Clinton! Spectacular! The Republicans had nothing even close.
One last observation: The Republican VP candidate Paul Ryan claims that 'Our rights come from Nature and God... not from Government.' Wrong. Our 'rights' come from US. We are all in this together. We grant ourselves various rights thru government. God has nothing to do with it. Indeed, God would remove many of our rights if he could. But he can't! Ha!
Beginning beer #1 (of 12) at 1500. Sip. Yum! The good news is that the Political Conventions are over! Whew. I give the Republicans a C- and the Democrats an A+, both grades based on 'quality of content.' I found the Republican 'content' literally filled with lies and distortions, and the Democratic 'content' generally truthful. I could go on and on, of course, but I will spare you. (Damned white of me. Right? (tap))
Last sip of beer #1 at 1516; buzzing slightly. The plan is to drink the first three beers as usual, then limit the frequency thereafter by using a timer. We'll see how that works out. Burp. Burp.
Back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1522. Sip. Snort. (Face Rad is causing the usual tearing and nasal swelling and mucus (tap) flows.)
Regarding the Speakers at the DemCon, I watched some but not all. I found the First Lady's speech interesting, but I know the Prez so well that I did computer stuff while he was speaking. I also liked the speeches by Rahm Emanuel and Elizabeth Warren, especially. But the most spectacular speech by far was that given by good ole ex prez Bill Clinton! Spectacular! The Republicans had nothing even close.
One last observation: The Republican VP candidate Paul Ryan claims that 'Our rights come from Nature and God... not from Government.' Wrong. Our 'rights' come from US. We are all in this together. We grant ourselves various rights thru government. God has nothing to do with it. Indeed, God would remove many of our rights if he could. But he can't! Ha!