Friday, September 21, 2012


The Definition of 'Leela.'

One last post for tonight: Leela.
The Jewish Mythology outlined in The Judeo-Christian Bible depicts an Angry God who insists on many rules of behavior designed to 'please the god.' The Jewish god needs to be pleased constantly! There are many rules which need to be observed, and Rule Breakers (sinners) are punished severely!
But different cultures have historically 'created cultural gods' over the millenia, and those various 'cultural gods' have very different 'attributes.'
For example, the Jewish God values 'obedience' as the ultimate behavorial trait of His created beings. The Jewish God wants to RULE. That is the Western idea of 'God.'
The Eastern idea of God is, on the other hand, 'playful.' God has a sense of humor! God is never, ever, serious! 'He has created the world out of the sheer joy of creating. It is like a child painting, with no idea of what He is doing...
The West has not understood the idea of playfulness, Leela, much. The Western God is too serious, very angry; He makes much fuss about small things. Adam and Eve had just playfully eaten from The Tree of Knowlege and this old guy made so much fuss!
God is Love! Compassion! The East never thinks of God as so serious, but playful!'

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