Friday, September 21, 2012


Now You Know!

First sip of beer #1 (of 14) at 1536. Sip. Time to reread last week again... Yep. Distasteful subject. Hopefully today's blog will be more playful (Tap above. The stalker above me craves my attention, among other 'stuff.')
I must confess that I did not prepare very much for this week's blog, having been busy on my favorite video game, Civilization III. I've been saving the beginning and end of every game for several years now, and the list extends into the '70s or so. I also save an 'early-middle' part of each game, and lately I have been 'replaying' early games, long forgotten. Interesting! I usually begin the 'replay' at the early-middle part where the 'world map' has been 40-50% revealed, and important 'strategic' choices have yet to be made. As the game progresses My memory 'connects' with fragments of long forgotten visual (map-only) scenerios. (Sipping on beer #2 at 1600, buzzing nicely. Sip. Nasal mucosa emitting a slow, steady flow due to 'Face Rad' as I ignore further taps. Snuff.) C-III is, in my opinion, the BEST video game ever created, for many reasons, but mostly because each game is played in a unique world with a unique set of 'programmer-level-only game options.' Long live C-III!
Snuff. Sip. Back with beer #3 at 1625. (Kootch just waved 'goodnight' and laughed as I returned her gesture with both hands.)
While I'm on the subject, another favorite computer program of mine is, Starry Night Backyard, a computer simulation of everything Astronomical. No student of Astronomy should be without this amazing simulation. Highly recommended!
And speaking of Astronomy, today's APOD (Astronomical Picture of the Day) is, A Solar Filament Erupts. Our Earth would be about the size of a small marble if it were included in the photo (and quickly 'vaporized). Our Sun can sometimes be an extremely violent 'God.' As you know, our sun is the nearest star. (Buzzing very nicely indeed as I sip on beer #4 at 1651. Sip. Snuff. Blow.) But did you know that the Iron in your blood did not exist at the beginning of the Universe? Did you know that it all had to be 'created' in the 'bowels' of 'dying' stars which exploded, scattering Iron pretty much everywhere? No? Now you know.

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