Friday, September 07, 2012


Money, Honey.

Back from the fridge with beer #3 at 1600. Sip. Buzzing nicely. Time to review last week. I'm almost afraid to look... Ok. I changed the '4' to a '6.' The rest is hopeless. Time to begin tonight's link dump. I've been working on it more than usual this week because I ended a game of C-III early in the week and didn't start another. The idea this week is to unify some recent themes. Lessee...
The Brick Testament (Wikipedia) is an unflattering look at the Judeo-Christian bible. It is essentially a biblical picture book with 'comments.' Fascinating! Do you find The Bible tedious? Boring? Then you will absolutely love The Brick Testament! I chose the 'circumcision theme' based on my recent posts concerning that subject. If you wonder about the 'accuracy' of the Brick Testament you can also refer to Sceptic's Annotated Bible, Koran, Book of Mormon. Still in doubt? Try Biblos as a last resort.
Continuing with the subject of circumcision, we live in modern times (thank god!) and not in ancient times. We are therefore no longer 'slaves to culture.' Nowadays we can easily investigate 'culture' and change it in ourselves if we think that is a good idea. And here is a modern tool for deciding whether to circumcise our newborn infant boys: Circumcision Decision Maker. (You must see, under 'Circumcision Facts,' 'Before and After images.' Those two photographs alone make the case against circumcision.)
But let's suppose you screwed it up. (30 minute timer.) You circumcised your baby boy. He grew up unsexual. But he eventually discovered personal lubricants! Not exactly a 'godsend,' Personally Lubricants allow both men and women to enjoy a reasonably adequate sexual life after male sexual mutilation. Science and technology improves upon the disasterous results of ancient culture!
But 'follow the money:' First they mutilate you. (Money honey.) Then they 'fix you up.' (Money honey.)
Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 1720. Sip. Timer set at 1726. Buzzing slightly.
Lastly, Daily sex improves sperm qualityMale Sexual Mutilation inhibits male masturbation, resulting in sexually retarded young men who produce lower quality sperm, resulting in more spontaneous abortions and birth defects.
Circumcision sucks! And modern circumcision is mostly about the money honey.

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