Friday, August 17, 2012


A Depressing Subject.

Working on beer #4 (of 18) at 1937. Buzzing nicely. Sip. There are two very interesting items in last week's 'To Do' list that I failed to address for (to me) unknown reasons. The blog seemed to end prematurely and I don't remember why. Sip. The first is, 'Provigil.' (tap) I first saw Provigil mentioned on CNN two or three weeks ago. Very interesting interview! Provigil was touted as a kind of miracle drug which increased 'consciousness' (my term) and brain function, but had no apparent 'undesirable side effects.' I was fascinated because it sounded like a way for me to counter my sleep-deprivation problems produced by night-time microwave radiation attacks. But as I thought about it later, I decided not to seek a 'solution' which allowed 'the problem' to go unaddressed. The best 'cure' was to eliminate 'the problem.' What is 'the problem?' (tap) Here is the problem:
I am currently enduring a unique 'stalking situation.' The 'symptoms' are:
a. Constant 24/7 surveillance and invasion of privacy.
b. Frequent unwanted communications. (Tapping, stomping.)
c. Frequent 'irritating 'gas.'
d. Almost constant microwave irradiation, especially noticable when I am a 'fixed target' in bed trying to sleep.
Regarding a and b: A tap just above the bathroom exhaust fan (tap) when I pee. After years of observing the tap 'pattern' I have concluded that 'they' do not 'tap' when 'they' think I might also be 'pooping' soon. The kitchen is another 'tap area.' No 'stomps,' just taps. The LR and the BR are areas of both taps and stomps and occasional 'wall bangs.' Many years ago, the kitchen was a prime 'stomp area.' No more. Nowadays it is the most 'intimate tapping' area.
Regarding c: There are basically two types of gas: constant gas, usually in the LR in the mornings (tap), which is not noticable until I 'clear my throat,' (tap) and 'acute gas' (I call it 'throat gas') which 'comes on' suddenly and causes sometimes violent coughing, occasionally for as long as 5-10 minutes.
Regarding d, it took me literally years to fig (tap) ure out what the problem was. And, interestingly, my brain was 'working on the problem' right from the start. I thought at first that it was Ionizing Radiation, but research suggested that it couldn't be. I eventually stumbled on the idea of microwave radiation. That is my current thinking. Nowadays I am pretty much certain about that.
What a depressing subject!

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